Ülevaade taimsete lisandite antimikroobse toime uuringutest in vitro ja tooretes seahakklihatoodetes
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Estonian Academic Agricultural Society
Plant additives can be used in food technologies as natural additives to replace synthetic food additives partially or completely. The present work aims to give an overview of studies that have been carried out over the years 2011–2019 in the Department of Food Hygiene and Safety at the Estonian University of Life Sciences on the antimicrobial activity of plant additives in vitro as well as in raw minced pork products in the perspective to find effective candidates to use them further in meat products. The findings of the in vitro studies showed that the strongest bacterial growth inhibition was observed in the 96% ethanol extracts of rhubarb root and petiole as well as berries of blackcurrant and chokeberry. In the present in vitro study, plant extracts had the strongest antimicrobial activity against Campylobacter jejuni. In raw minced pork studies, the total microbes as well as yeasts and molds were inhibited in raw minced pork samples only in the presence of powders of rhubarb petioles and tomato or their mixture. In conclusion, this work revealed that powders of rhubarb, tomato and berries of blackcurrant and chokeberry are perspective candidates for inhibiting microbial growth in raw minced pork products.
Uuringuid on finantseerinud: • Eesti Teadusagentuur (PRG1441) “Looduslike bio- aktiivsete ainete toimete mehhanismide uurimine loomsetes toitudes”, • projekt P180279VLTR “Looduslike bioaktiivsete ainete toime ning seonduvate mehhanismide uuri- mine toidumaatriksites”, • projekt P170054VLTH “Toidutaimede metabo- loomika ning sekundaarsete metaboliitide antioksü- dantse ja antibakteriaalse toime intensiivsuse ja mehhanismide uurimine”, • projekt 8-2/T15024VLTH “Säästvad taimsed lisan- did tervislikumate lihatoodete saamiseks – ideede tõestamine”. We would like to express thank to the Estonian Research Council (Project No PRG1441), the Estonian University of Life Sciences (Projects No P180279VLTR and P170054VLTH) and Ministry of Agriculture (Project No 8-2/T15024VLTH).
Uuringuid on finantseerinud: • Eesti Teadusagentuur (PRG1441) “Looduslike bio- aktiivsete ainete toimete mehhanismide uurimine loomsetes toitudes”, • projekt P180279VLTR “Looduslike bioaktiivsete ainete toime ning seonduvate mehhanismide uuri- mine toidumaatriksites”, • projekt P170054VLTH “Toidutaimede metabo- loomika ning sekundaarsete metaboliitide antioksü- dantse ja antibakteriaalse toime intensiivsuse ja mehhanismide uurimine”, • projekt 8-2/T15024VLTH “Säästvad taimsed lisan- did tervislikumate lihatoodete saamiseks – ideede tõestamine”. We would like to express thank to the Estonian Research Council (Project No PRG1441), the Estonian University of Life Sciences (Projects No P180279VLTR and P170054VLTH) and Ministry of Agriculture (Project No 8-2/T15024VLTH).
Saabunud / Received 15.09.2022 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 17.06.2023 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 15.08.2023 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author Kadrin Meremäe ; kadrin.meremae@emu.ee
foodborne pathogens, total microbial counts, plant extracts and powders, antimicrobial activity, raw minced pork products, articles