Saasteained mesindussaadustes erineva geograafilise asukoha ja maakasutusega aladel
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Meemesilased on ühed kasulikumad putuktolmeldajad, kes tolmeldavad nii põllumajanduskultuure kui ka looduslikele taimi. Mesilaste arvukus on viimastel aastakümnetel kogu maailmas vähenenud. Põhjusteks võivad olla mesilaste elupaikade kadumine, põllumajanduse intensiivistumine, kliimamuutused ning mitmed mesilasi kimbutavad parasiidid ja haigused. Mesilased on tundlikud erinevate saasteainete suhtes, mille tõttu kasutatakse neid koos oma toodetega bioindikaatoritena keskkonnasaaste hindamiseks. Antud uurimistöö eesmärgiks on välja selgitada erineva maakasutusega aladel paiknevatest mesitarudest kogutud proovidest leitud saasteained, kasutades selleks asjakohast teaduskirjandust. Töö tulemuste kirjutamiseks kasutati asjakohast kirjandust, mida otsiti otsingumootorite ISI Web of Science ja Google Scholar abil.
Tulemusteks on erinevate saasteainete (pestitsiidid, raskmetallid, mikroplastikud, PAH-id) saastustasemete esinemine mesindustoodetes erineva maakasutusega aladel (põllumajandus, looduslik, linnakeskkond) ning nende esinemine erinevates Euroopa piirkondades (Lõuna-, Kesk- ja Põhja-Euroopa). Tulemustest selgus, et enamasti on madalaim saasteainete kontsentratsioon looduslikepiirkondades pärit mesilastes ja nende toodangus. Töös anti ülevaade tulemustest ning neid võrreldi omavahel.
Honeybees are some of the most beneficial insect pollinators, pollinating both agricultural crops and wild plants. Over the past decades, the number of bees worldwide has been declining. The reasons for this decline may include habitat loss, agricultural intensification, climate change, and various parasites and diseases that affect bees. Bees are sensitive to different pollutants, which is why, along with their products, are used as bioindicators for assessing environmental pollution. The aim of this research is to identify the pollutants found in samples collected from beehives located in areas with different land use, using relevant scientific literature. For writing the results, appropriate literature was used, which was searched for using search engines like ISI Web of Science and Google Scholar. The results include the levels of various pollutants (pesticides, heavy metals, microplastics, PAHs) found in beekeeping products from areas with different land use (agriculture, natural, urban) and their occurrence in different regions of Europe (Southern, Central, and Northern Europe). The findings revealed that, generally, the lowest concentrations of pollutants were found in bees and their products from natural areas. The study provides an overview of the results and compares them with each other.
Honeybees are some of the most beneficial insect pollinators, pollinating both agricultural crops and wild plants. Over the past decades, the number of bees worldwide has been declining. The reasons for this decline may include habitat loss, agricultural intensification, climate change, and various parasites and diseases that affect bees. Bees are sensitive to different pollutants, which is why, along with their products, are used as bioindicators for assessing environmental pollution. The aim of this research is to identify the pollutants found in samples collected from beehives located in areas with different land use, using relevant scientific literature. For writing the results, appropriate literature was used, which was searched for using search engines like ISI Web of Science and Google Scholar. The results include the levels of various pollutants (pesticides, heavy metals, microplastics, PAHs) found in beekeeping products from areas with different land use (agriculture, natural, urban) and their occurrence in different regions of Europe (Southern, Central, and Northern Europe). The findings revealed that, generally, the lowest concentrations of pollutants were found in bees and their products from natural areas. The study provides an overview of the results and compares them with each other.
Aianduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, meemesilased, pestitsiidid, raskmetallid, mikroplastikud, PAH-id