Juhtimistöölaua tootmismooduli lähteülesanne osaühingule Anu Ait
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Märss, Martin
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Bakalaureusetöö eesmärk oli luua juhtimistöölaua tootmismooduli lähteülesanne osaühingule Anu Ait, mis toetab õigeaegsemate, põhjendatumate ja kvaliteetsemate juhtimisotsuste vastuvõtmist. Töö probleem seisneb asjaolus, et kõnealuses ettevõttes registreeritakse palju erinevaid tootmise ja laomajandusega seotud andmeid, kuid puudub vajalik tööriist ja teadmine, milles kuvada reaal-aja lähedast informatsiooni, mis toetaks juhtimisotsuste vastuvõtmist.
Bakalaureusetöö on jagatud kaheks osaks, millest esimeses on kirjeldatud Business Intelligence kontseptsiooni olemust ja interaktiivse juhtimissüsteemi üldised alused, välja on toodud olulised aspektid juhtimisotsuste vastuvõtmist toetavate süsteemide osas. Töö teises osas sünteesiti olulised tootmise ja laomajandusega seotud tulemuslikkuse näitajad ja vaated, mida kuvada juhtimistöölaual.
Töö tulemusena valmis juhtimistöölaua tootmismooduli lähteülesanne osaühingule Anu Ait, mille majanduslik efekt on mõõdetav läbi alternatiivkulude. Juhtimistöölaua kasutamisega väheneb aeg andmetöötlusele ning saadakse selgem ülevaade tootmisüksuse tegevusest ning laomajandusest. Bakalaureusetöös on toodud kõik olulised mõõdikud, vaated ja soovituslik juhtimistöölaua tootmismooduli struktuur.
The current bachelor thesis is separated into two parts. The first part of the thesis consists of an overview of Business Intelligence conception and important steps to develop an interactive management information system. In the second part of the thesis the approach is more practical and the goal is to specify important measures and models in production and warehouse management, which support decision making process, to compose an initial task for production dashboard in Anu Ait Ltd. The aim of the current bachelor thesis is to create the initial task for Business Intelligence dashboard of production module in Anu Ait Ltd. which provides more operational information to manage the production in the firm. The research problem of the current bachelor thesis lies in the fact that Anu Ait Ltd. needs a dashboard that consists of real-time information and important measures which would lead to better managerial decisions. The result of the thesis is an initial task for production dashboard in Anu Ait Ltd. which would be an important tool to make better decision in right time. The economic benefits and advantages of using managerial dashboards can be described through the opportunity costs by reducing time for data processing and eliminating human errors. All the important performance measures, models and recommended structure are contained in the paper.
The current bachelor thesis is separated into two parts. The first part of the thesis consists of an overview of Business Intelligence conception and important steps to develop an interactive management information system. In the second part of the thesis the approach is more practical and the goal is to specify important measures and models in production and warehouse management, which support decision making process, to compose an initial task for production dashboard in Anu Ait Ltd. The aim of the current bachelor thesis is to create the initial task for Business Intelligence dashboard of production module in Anu Ait Ltd. which provides more operational information to manage the production in the firm. The research problem of the current bachelor thesis lies in the fact that Anu Ait Ltd. needs a dashboard that consists of real-time information and important measures which would lead to better managerial decisions. The result of the thesis is an initial task for production dashboard in Anu Ait Ltd. which would be an important tool to make better decision in right time. The economic benefits and advantages of using managerial dashboards can be described through the opportunity costs by reducing time for data processing and eliminating human errors. All the important performance measures, models and recommended structure are contained in the paper.
juhtimistöölaud, interaktiivne juhtimissüsteem, bakalaureusetööd