Powder particle flow acceleration methods for simulation of interaction with materials used in spacecrafts
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In recent decades, the role of satellites for monitoring the condition of agricultural land and forests, as well as in the study of natural resources, has especially increased. The amount of debris in near-Earth space is constantly increasing, which creates a real danger to the operation of satellites and other flying objects. The failures of satellites and spacecrafts increase the cost of their production and inhibit the development of the industry, lead to pollution of near-earth space by space debris. The U.S.-based Space Surveillance Network is currently tracking about 40,000 space objects-the vast majority of which are defunct satellites and fragments from collisions. It was estimated that there are more than 8,378tons of junk around the Earth at speeds of up to 70kmh-1, threatening functioning spacecrafts. Development of a new method for ground-based testing of protective materials, microchips and control systems will enable to avoid further pollution of near-Earth space.This paper discusses methods for accelerating fine particles using explosive devices and an electromagnetic field and the possibility of using them to develop and research protective materials.
dynamic impact, shielding, protection, powder metallurgy, pacecraft, space dust, super-deep penetration, articles