Faasimuutusepõhised soojusenergia akumuleerimissüsteemid hoonetele
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Kann, Lauri
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Eesti Maaülikool
Volatiilse elektrihinna tõttu on muutunud aktuaalseks energia salvestamise võimaluste
uurimine. Üheks innovatiivseks ja keskkonnasõbralikus võimaluseks energiat salvestada
on kasutada faasimuutuspõhiseid lahendusi.
Töö on jaotatud kolmeks osaks. Esimeses osas tutvume levinumate
faasimuutusmaterjalidega, teises osas tutvume nendel materjalidel põhinevate
soojusenergia akumuleerimissüsteemidega hoonetele ja kolmandas osas võrdleme
faasimuutus ja faasimuutuseta soojavee valmistamise seadmeid ja nende majandusliku
tasuvust 2023a NordPooli energia hindade põhjal.
Lõpptulemusena võib öelda, et faasimuutusel põhinev väiksem veesoojendi tarbib ca 2x
vähem energiat ja rahaline kokkuhoid on kolm korda parem, kui faasimuutuseta soojavee
valmistamis seadmel.
Due to volatile electricity prices, the exploration of energy storage options has become a pressing issue. One innovative and environmentally friendly option for energy storage is the use of phase-change-based solutions. The work is divided into three parts. In the first part, we introduce the most common phase change materials. In the second part, we explore thermal energy accumulation systems for buildings based on these materials. In the third part, we compare phase change and non-phase change water heating devices and their economic viability based on 2023 NordPool energy prices. The final result shows that a smaller water heater based on phase change technology consumes approximately half the energy and offers three times better financial savings compared to a non-phase change water heating device.
Due to volatile electricity prices, the exploration of energy storage options has become a pressing issue. One innovative and environmentally friendly option for energy storage is the use of phase-change-based solutions. The work is divided into three parts. In the first part, we introduce the most common phase change materials. In the second part, we explore thermal energy accumulation systems for buildings based on these materials. In the third part, we compare phase change and non-phase change water heating devices and their economic viability based on 2023 NordPool energy prices. The final result shows that a smaller water heater based on phase change technology consumes approximately half the energy and offers three times better financial savings compared to a non-phase change water heating device.
Tehnika ja tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, PCM, faasimuutusmaterjalid, TES, Sunamp