6-7 aastaste laste õuesoleku aja suurendamine nutiaja arvelt
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Magistritöö uurimisprobleem tuleneb olukorrast, kus liigne nutiseadmete kasutamine mõjub väikelaste arengule negatiivselt, mõjutades laste vaimset ja füüsilist arengut. Uuringu eesmärgiks on välja selgitada eelkooliealiste laste nutiseadmetes viibimise harjumused ja mõju ning õuesoleku aeg nii laste kui ka vanemate hinnangul. Üha enam selgub uuringutes, et laste tervis on pigem muutumas kehvemaks. Üheks põhjuseks nimetatakse õuesoleku aja vähenemist. Eesmärgi saavutamiseks püstitati järgmised uurimisküsimused:
Millised on 6-7 aastaste laste nutiseadmete kasutamise harjumused nii laste kui ka vanemate hinnangul?
Milline on nutiseadmete mõju laste vaimsele ja füüsilisele arengule?
Millised on peresisesed õuesoleku harjumused ja milliseid takistusi näevad lapsevanemad veetmaks vaba aega õues?
Millised tegevused motiveeriks lapsi ja vanemaid vähendama ekraaniaega ja suurendama õuesolekut?
Uurimistööks vajalike andmete kogumiseks koostati kaks intervjuuküsimustikku, üks lastele ja teine vanematele. Valimis osalesid 6-7 aastased lapsed ja lapsevanemad. Uurimistulemusest selgus, et liigne nutiseadmete kasutamine avaldab mõju lapse vaimsele ja füüsilisele arengule. Liigne nutiseadmete kasutamine toob endaga kaasa pigem kahjulikku kui kasulikku mõju. Täpselt ei ole ajaliselt reguleeritud nutiseadmete kasutamise ajalist faktorit. Enamasti sõltub laste nutiseadmetes viibimise aeg pere päevakavast. Tuvastamist leidis, et osades peredes on nutiseadmete ajaline kasutamine vastavusse viidud õuesoleku ajaga ning asjaolu, et nutiseadme kasutamise loa andmise korral jäävad teised tegevused ja huvid tahaplaanile. Uuringust selgus, et liigne nutiseadmete kasutamine lastel põhjustab unehäireid ning põhjendamatuid hirme. Positiivseks küljeks toodi välja üleüldiselt keele arendamine ning huvi kunsti, tehnika ning katsete vastu.
This master's thesis examines the impact of excessive use of smart devices on the mental and physical development of young children. It investigates the habits of 6-7 year-old children regarding smart device usage and the necessity of outdoor activities. The research problem arises from the situation where excessive use of smart devices negatively affects the development of young children, impacting their mental and physical development. The aim of the study is to identify the habits and effects of smart device usage among preschool children, as well as to assess the amount of outdoor time from both children's and parents' perspectives. Studies increasingly reveal that children's health is deteriorating, with one the reasons is being the reduction of outdoor time. The following research questions were formulated to achieve the purpose of the thesis: 1. What are the habits of 6-7 year-old children regarding smart device usage according to both children and parents? 2. What is the impact of smart devices on children's mental and physical development? 3. What are the family habits regarding outdoor activities, and which obstacles do parents experience in spending free time outdoors? 4. What activities would motivate children and parents to reduce screen time and increase the time for outdoor activities? To collect the necessary data for the research, two sets of interview questions were prepared: one for children and one for parents. The sample included children aged 6-7 years and their parents. The research results revealed that excessive use of smart devices affects a child's mental and physical development. Excessive use of smart devices tends to have more harmful than beneficial effects. The exact timing factor of smart device usage is not precisely regulated. The time that children spend on smart devices mostly depends on the family's daily schedule. In some families, it was found that the time spent on smart devices is adjusted in relation to outdoor activities, and when permission to use a smart device is given, other activities and interests are often being set aside. The study found that excessive use of smart devices, causes children to have sleep disorders and unexplainable fears. On the positive side parents experienced overall language development and interest in art, technology, and experiments in their child.
This master's thesis examines the impact of excessive use of smart devices on the mental and physical development of young children. It investigates the habits of 6-7 year-old children regarding smart device usage and the necessity of outdoor activities. The research problem arises from the situation where excessive use of smart devices negatively affects the development of young children, impacting their mental and physical development. The aim of the study is to identify the habits and effects of smart device usage among preschool children, as well as to assess the amount of outdoor time from both children's and parents' perspectives. Studies increasingly reveal that children's health is deteriorating, with one the reasons is being the reduction of outdoor time. The following research questions were formulated to achieve the purpose of the thesis: 1. What are the habits of 6-7 year-old children regarding smart device usage according to both children and parents? 2. What is the impact of smart devices on children's mental and physical development? 3. What are the family habits regarding outdoor activities, and which obstacles do parents experience in spending free time outdoors? 4. What activities would motivate children and parents to reduce screen time and increase the time for outdoor activities? To collect the necessary data for the research, two sets of interview questions were prepared: one for children and one for parents. The sample included children aged 6-7 years and their parents. The research results revealed that excessive use of smart devices affects a child's mental and physical development. Excessive use of smart devices tends to have more harmful than beneficial effects. The exact timing factor of smart device usage is not precisely regulated. The time that children spend on smart devices mostly depends on the family's daily schedule. In some families, it was found that the time spent on smart devices is adjusted in relation to outdoor activities, and when permission to use a smart device is given, other activities and interests are often being set aside. The study found that excessive use of smart devices, causes children to have sleep disorders and unexplainable fears. On the positive side parents experienced overall language development and interest in art, technology, and experiments in their child.
Loodusturismi õppekaval
magistritööd, nutiseadmed, ekraaniaeg, nutiseadmete mõju, väikelaste areng, õuesoleku vajalikkus, laste füüsiline tervis, laste vaimne tervis, lasteaia roll õuesolekul