Maakasutuse muutused maaparandusaladel Harjumaa valdade näitel
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Eesti Maaülikool
Magistritöö eesmärgiks on selgitada välja Harjumaa valdade maaparandusalade
maakasutuse tingimuste kajastumine planeeringutes ning maaparandusaladel toimunud
maakasutuse muutused võrreldes aastaid 2010 ja 2021.
Eesmärgi saavutamiseks tutvuti Eesti planeeringutesüsteemi ning maaparandusseadusega.
Töö empiirilises osas analüüsiti Põllumajandus- ja Toiduameti (PTA) 2010.a ja 2021.a
andmeid ja 2010. ja 2021. a katastriüksuste andmeid, analüüsiti kümne valla
üldplaneeringuid ning vaadeldi maaparandussüsteemide kohta käivaid andmeid kitsenduste
ja maaparandusregistri kaardilt.
Tulemustest selgus, et igas vallas on maa sihtotstarbe muutmised toimunud vähemal või
suuremal määral. Enamustel katastriüksustel (89,1%), millel sihtotstarvet muudeti, on
maaparandusregistris kasutusotstarve lõpetatud ehk kustutatud. Maaparandusregistrisse jäi
alles 10,1% muudetud sihtotstarbega katastriüksuseid. Kõige ulatuslikumalt on muudetud
põllumaad elamumaaks. Tallinna linna lähistel asuvatel valdadel on maaparandusaladel
muudetud maakasutuse sihtotstarvet selleks, et saada maadele ehitusõigust. Kuna
ehitussurve suureneb, siis on vaja maakasutuse planeerimise jätkusuutlikkuse tagamiseks
planeeringutes täpsemaid suuniseid maaparandussüsteemidele jääva maa osas.
Maaparandusregistris registreeritud maaparandussüsteemid on leitavad Maa-ameti
kitsenduste kaardil ja Põllumajandus- ja Toiduameti (PTA) kaardirakenduses. Nende
maaparandusalade kohta, mis varasemalt olid maaparandusregistris ei ole andmed leitavad.
Samuti ei kajastu kitsenduste kaardil ega PTA kaardirakendusel andmeid poldrialade kohta.
Töös käsitletud uurimisvaldkond on oluline nii riiklikul tasandil, kohalikele omavalitsustele
kui ka maaomanikele.
The aim of the Master`s Thesis is to clarify requirements for land use changes in field of land improvement and their reflection in planning in Harju county parishes and land use changes in field of land improvement in compared of the years 2020 and 2021. Achieving the aim, Estonian spatial planning and Land Improvement Act were read up on. In the empirical part of the Master`s Thesis, Agriculture and Food Board (AFB) data from the years 2020 and 2021 and cadastral unit data from the years 2010 and 2021 and engineering design in 10 parishes were analysed and land improvement systems data regarding restrictions and land improvement register map were observed. Results showed greater or smaller scale changes in intended use of land in each observed parishes. The majority of cadastral units (89,1%) whose intended use was changed, intended purpose of the land has been ended (deleted) in land improvement register. 10,1% of the changed intended purpose of the cadastral units were remained in land improvement register. The majority of the changes were about changing agriculture land into residential land. In the parishes near capital city Tallinn, the intentions for changing intended purpose of the land were to gain building rights to the land. As the need for construction of building is increasing, then there is need for proper planning for intended use of land. There is need for better-defined guidance for land improvement systems, so that planning of land usage is sustainable. Land improvement systems that are registered in land improvement register can be found in the restriction map of Land Board and in web maps of AFB. No data can be found on field of land improvement, that previously were in in land improvement register. In addition, no data regarding polder areas were on neither restriction map nor on web maps of AFB. The research topic of this Master`s Thesis is important on national level and also to local government and landowners.
The aim of the Master`s Thesis is to clarify requirements for land use changes in field of land improvement and their reflection in planning in Harju county parishes and land use changes in field of land improvement in compared of the years 2020 and 2021. Achieving the aim, Estonian spatial planning and Land Improvement Act were read up on. In the empirical part of the Master`s Thesis, Agriculture and Food Board (AFB) data from the years 2020 and 2021 and cadastral unit data from the years 2010 and 2021 and engineering design in 10 parishes were analysed and land improvement systems data regarding restrictions and land improvement register map were observed. Results showed greater or smaller scale changes in intended use of land in each observed parishes. The majority of cadastral units (89,1%) whose intended use was changed, intended purpose of the land has been ended (deleted) in land improvement register. 10,1% of the changed intended purpose of the cadastral units were remained in land improvement register. The majority of the changes were about changing agriculture land into residential land. In the parishes near capital city Tallinn, the intentions for changing intended purpose of the land were to gain building rights to the land. As the need for construction of building is increasing, then there is need for proper planning for intended use of land. There is need for better-defined guidance for land improvement systems, so that planning of land usage is sustainable. Land improvement systems that are registered in land improvement register can be found in the restriction map of Land Board and in web maps of AFB. No data can be found on field of land improvement, that previously were in in land improvement register. In addition, no data regarding polder areas were on neither restriction map nor on web maps of AFB. The research topic of this Master`s Thesis is important on national level and also to local government and landowners.
Geodeesia, kinnisvara- ja maakorralduse õppekaval
magistritööd, maakasutuse muutused, planeerimine, maaparandussüsteem