Optimization of plant densities of dolichos (dolichos lablab L. var. lignosus) bean in the Right-bank of Forest-steppe of Ukraine
Kättesaadav alates
Bobos, І.
Fedosy, I.
Zavadska, O.
Tonha, O.
Olt, Jüri
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
The density of the plants of Dolichos bean significantly influenced the economically
valuable indicators, because there is always competition for light, moisture and nutrients between
plants in the life process. The period from mass sprouting to the technical ripeness was reduced
with increasing the plant density. Such a pattern was characteristic of all phases of the growth
and development of the Dolichos bean. The plants with high population (71 thousand units ha-1)
took short period (60 and 119 days) from germination to the beginning of technical and biological
ripeness, respectively, turned out to be the earliest ripening crops. The plants are better
illuminated, the soil nutrition conditions are improved and the sanitary-hygienic climate of the
crops improves with thinned crops, thereby plant productivity has raised. However, the average
yield of scapulabeans and unripe Dolichos seeds is regulated by the density of the plants, and
increased in density due to the greater number of plants. The optimum density for Dolichos bean
was 71 thousand plants per hectare, at which yields of green shoots and green peas were formed
7.3 and 3.3 t ha-1, respectively.
beans scapula, dolichos bean, ripening beans, plant density, sowing scheme, stairs, flowering, yield, unripe seeds, articles