Tehismullad Eesti muldade klassifikatsioonis: nomenklatuur, rajamine ja erinevused-sarnasused normaalselt arenenud muldadega
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Estonian Academic Agricultural Society
Technogenic soils (TS) or Technosols are year 2022 soils
of Estonia. In Estonian Soil Classification (ESC) totally 17 technogenic
soil species is listed (Table 1). By way or mode of their forming or
establishing almost four TS groups (formed on heaps of wastes, instead of
removed soil cover, on mixed soil horizons with parent materials and
buried soil covers) have been separated. In dominating cases by
technological elaborating works much more than only humus cover are
enfold. In the vertical profile of different development stages TS the
humus cover, consisting from fine earth subsoil and parent material may
be presented (or occur). In the work separately the formed on mineral and
organic (mostly peats) origin parent material TS are treated. Among
mineral TS by their moisture conditions the automorphic, moist and wet
soils are distinguished. Among peaty TS the formed on fen (sapric) and
bog (fibric) peats soils are prevailed. The main difference between grounds
(non-soil) and TS is their functioning. The real TS is as sustainably
functioning assemblage of soil and plant covers or soil-plant system. The
concordance or matching of presented in ESC TS’ taxa with World
Reference Bases for Soil Resources (WRB) and Polish Soil Classification
taxa was elucidated by comparable analysis. The distribution and forming
of soils associations with normally developed soils and non-soils
(grounds) is characterised by mean of excerpts from digitalized large-scale
soil map (1:10,000) and schematic distribution maps. In the work as well
the peculiarities of establishing technologies of mineral and peaty TS is
Saabunud: 22.05.2022
Aktsepteeritud: 07.06.2022
Avaldatud veebis: 07.06.2022
Published online:
Vastutav autor: Raimo Kõlli
Corresponding author:
E-mail: raimo.kolli@emu.ee
ORCID: 0000-0002-7725-3757
technogenic soil or technosol, bare ground or non-soil, humus cover, subsoil, parent material, establishment, productivity, articles