Aphid complex associated with potato in agro-climatic conditions of Kosovo
Kättesaadav alates
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
Field surveys for aphids infesting potato crops in three most important localities for
potato production in Kosovo (Podujevë, Prishtinë and Vushtrri) were conducted in vegetation
seasons of 2018–2019. With the purpose to monitor and confirm the aphid composition in
potatoes, aphid leaf count was used as a method which is applied worldwide. Sampling for aphids
from the leaves of potato plants was undertaken during cropping season, every 10 days, where
100 leaves were taken at random and checked in triplicates, from each field. During of this
experimental work, the following aphid species were registered Myzus persicae, Macrosiphum
euphorbiae, Aphis nasturtii and Aulacorthum solani. From the total number of aphids recorded
(4,210 individuals), the following percentage belongs to the different aphids: M. persicae
(57.24%), A. nasturtii (25.72%), A. solani (7.77%), M. euphorbiae (5.68%), and other none
identified aphids (3.59%). Relying on the results of this research we have confirmed to exist
statistical significant differences with regard to the number of aphid’s species according to the
localities and aphids that infests the potatoes. With the goal to manage and control aphids spread
infields with potatoes, it is extremely useful to evaluate and to see the possibility for an Integrated
Management against these pests at farmer level.
aphids, ANOVA, Myzus persicae, potato crop, articles