Bioplasti tootmine toidujäätmetest ja kasutamise võimalused toiduainetetööstuses
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Naftapõhiste plastide ja toidujäätmete üleküllus ning kahjulik mõju keskkonnale on pannud
plasti tootjaid vaatama jätkusuutlikumade variantide suunas. Selliseks lahenduseks on
bioplast ning bioplasti tootmine toidujäätmetest. Bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli uurida
bioplasti tootmist toidujäätmetest ning selle kasutamist toiduainetetööstustes. Kirjanduse
analüüsis anti ülevaade erinevatest bioplasti liikidest, bioplasti tootmisvõimalustest
toidujäätmetest, kasutamise võimalustest toiduainetetööstustes, lagunemisest erinevates
tingimustes ning bioplasti eelistest ja väljakutsetest. Levinumateks bioplastideks on PHA,
PLA ning tärklisepõhised plastid. Töö eksperimentaalses osas keskenduti erineva taustaga
ettevõtete teadmistele toidujäätmetest bioplasti tootmisel, nende väljakutsetele ning
ettevõtete kasutatavatele bioplastidele ning tuleviku väljavaadetele. Naftapõhist plasti on
hakatud järjest rohkem asendama bioplastiga toiduainete pakendamises. Pakenditootjad ja
toidutööstused soovivad kasutada jätkusuutlikumaid ning kliendile hinnasõbralikumaid
bioplaste, et olla konkurentsis naftapõhise plastiga, aga samal ajal hoides meie keskkonda.
Toidujäätmetest bioplasti kasutamine selliseid võimalusi pakub, vähendades sellega
toidujäätmete sattumist prügilatesse ja kasvuhoonegaaside emissiooni.
The abundance of petroleum-based plastics and food waste as well as the adverse effects on the environment have led plastics producers to look towards more sustainable options. Such a solution is bioplastics and production of bioplastics from food wastes. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to study the production of Bioplastics from food waste and its usage in the food industries. The literature review provided an overview of different types of bioplastics, possibilities of bioplastics production form food waste, possibilities of usage in food industries, degradation under different conditions, and the advantages as well as challenges of bioplastics. The most common bioplastics are PHA, PLA and starch-based plastics. The experimental part of the work focused on the knowledge companies from different backgrounds in the production of bioplastics from food waste, its challenges, and the bioplastics used bu the companies and their future prospects. Packaging manufacturers and food industries are keen to use more sustainable and customer-friendly bioplastics, while caring for our environment. The use of bioplastics from food waste offers such opportunities, thereby reducing food waste in landfilling and greenhouse gas emissions.
The abundance of petroleum-based plastics and food waste as well as the adverse effects on the environment have led plastics producers to look towards more sustainable options. Such a solution is bioplastics and production of bioplastics from food wastes. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to study the production of Bioplastics from food waste and its usage in the food industries. The literature review provided an overview of different types of bioplastics, possibilities of bioplastics production form food waste, possibilities of usage in food industries, degradation under different conditions, and the advantages as well as challenges of bioplastics. The most common bioplastics are PHA, PLA and starch-based plastics. The experimental part of the work focused on the knowledge companies from different backgrounds in the production of bioplastics from food waste, its challenges, and the bioplastics used bu the companies and their future prospects. Packaging manufacturers and food industries are keen to use more sustainable and customer-friendly bioplastics, while caring for our environment. The use of bioplastics from food waste offers such opportunities, thereby reducing food waste in landfilling and greenhouse gas emissions.
Toiduainete tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, bioplast, toidujäätmed, PHA, PLA, toiduainetööstus