Ahjude termograafiline vaatlus eksperthinnangu eesmärgil
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Ahjud soojenevad kütuse põlemisel eralduva soojuse mõjul, mis kandub üle koldeseintele ja
ahjulõõridele. Kütmisel salvestavad ahjud endasse soojust, mille hiljem pikkamööda annavad
üle toaõhule. Kuna ahjud on erineva ehitusega ja asuvad erivevates keskkondades on nende
soojenemise ja jahtumise kiirused erinevad, sellest tulenevalt annavad nad välja erineva hulga
Käesolevas töös on lühidalt kirjeldatud seitsme eri ahju soojenemist ja jahtumist. Selleks on
pildistatud neid termokaameraga. Lisaks termokaameraga pildistamisele on kahel ahjul
lasertermomeetriga üles võetud ka ahju erinevate punktide soojenemise ja jahtumise
Töö koosneb kahest osast. Esimeses osas antakse ülevaade ahjude ajaloost ja ehitusest,
kirjeldatakse ahjus toimuvat soojusvahetust ning tuuakse välja ahju pinna võimsuse
arvutamise metoodika.
Teises osas analüüsitakse erinevate ahjude termograafilisi pilte, lasertermomeetriga mõõdetud
punktide soojenemist ja jahtumist ning võrreldakse ahju pinna võimsusi.
Tööst tuleb välja, et tänapäeval on potseppadel suund ehitada paksema seinaga ahjusid kuna
need püsivad kauem soojad. Seega peab neid harvem kütma. Paksuseinaliste ahjude ehitamine
eeldab aga, et maja oleks hästi soojustatud, kuna paksuseinaliste ahjude temperatuur ei tõuse
nii kõrgele ja seega ruumi antav soojusenergia jaguneb pikema aja peale. Halvema
soojustusega majade puhul võib paksuseinalise ahju võimsus jääda liiga väikseks ja
külmemate ilmade korral ei suuda tuba ära kütta.
The topic of this thesis was chosen in order to obtain new knowledge and experiences. Thermography is my interest and ripening of a new stove in our household influenced me to do the thermographical survey of stoves. The aim of this thesis is to study warming and cooling of different stoves through the thermographic survey. For that, seven stoves were heated; then images of their overlay temperatures were fixed by thermal cameras and the data of the structures, sizes, locations and age of the stoves were collected. By overlay temperature of stoves, power output of them was calculated and compatible formulas for calculations were presented. In chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 the overview of history and construction of stoves are given, the heat exchange in a stove is described and the methodology of calculating the power output of the overlay of a stove is presented. In chapter 7 different thermal images are analysed and in chapter 9 the power outputs of overlays of different stoves are compared.
The topic of this thesis was chosen in order to obtain new knowledge and experiences. Thermography is my interest and ripening of a new stove in our household influenced me to do the thermographical survey of stoves. The aim of this thesis is to study warming and cooling of different stoves through the thermographic survey. For that, seven stoves were heated; then images of their overlay temperatures were fixed by thermal cameras and the data of the structures, sizes, locations and age of the stoves were collected. By overlay temperature of stoves, power output of them was calculated and compatible formulas for calculations were presented. In chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 the overview of history and construction of stoves are given, the heat exchange in a stove is described and the methodology of calculating the power output of the overlay of a stove is presented. In chapter 7 different thermal images are analysed and in chapter 9 the power outputs of overlays of different stoves are compared.
ahjud, termograafiline, võimsus, ahiküte, bakalaureusetööd