Koolikute esinemine hobustel Eestis
Kättesaadav alates
Ein, Elisabeth
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Eesti Maaülikool
Koolikute esinemist hobustel Eestis ei ole varem uuritud ning antud magistritöö on
esimene sellelaadne. Uurimistöö eesmärgiks oli leida viise koolikute ennetamiseks ja
seoseid koolikute esinemisel hobuste erinevate treenimis-, pidamis- ja söötmisviisidega.
Töö põhineb perioodil 27.03.2024-30.04.2024 läbi viidud küsitlusel, mis oli suunatud
hobustega tegelenud või tegelevatele inimestele. Küsitlust jagati sotsiaalmeedias
(Facebookis) ning sellele vastati kokku 207 hobuse kohta. Saadud andmeid analüüsiti
tabelarvutusprogrammis MS Excel 2019.
Küsitluse tulemuste analüüsimisel selgus, et koolikuid ei ole võimalik täielikult ennetada,
kuna neil ei ole määratletavaid tekkepõhjuseid ning need võivad esineda kõikide
treenimis-, pidamis- ja söötmisviiside puhul. Küll aga on nüansse, mis koolikute esinemist
kas vähendavad või suurendavad.
Käesolev magistritöö oleks heaks alguspunktiks järgnevatele sarnastele küsitlustele,
katsetele ja uurimustöödele. Antud teemat oleks võimalik detailsemalt ja pikemaajaliselt
edasi uurida.
The occurrence of colic in horses in Estonia has not been studied before and this master's thesis is the first of its kind. The aim of the research was to find connections between the occurrence of colic and different ways of training, keeping and feeding the horses. The work is based on a survey conducted in the period 27.03.2024-30.04.2024, which was aimed at people who have dealt with or are dealing with horses. The survey was shared on social media (Facebook) and survey respondents shared information about 207 horses. The obtained data was analysed in the spreadsheet program MS Excel 2019. Analysing the results of the survey, it became clear that it is not possible to completely prevent colic, as they have no identifiable causes and can occur with all training, keeping and feeding methods. However, there are some nuances that either reduce or increase the occurrence of colic. This master's thesis would be a good starting point for subsequent similar surveys, experiments and researches. This topic can be studied in more detail and over a longer period of time.
The occurrence of colic in horses in Estonia has not been studied before and this master's thesis is the first of its kind. The aim of the research was to find connections between the occurrence of colic and different ways of training, keeping and feeding the horses. The work is based on a survey conducted in the period 27.03.2024-30.04.2024, which was aimed at people who have dealt with or are dealing with horses. The survey was shared on social media (Facebook) and survey respondents shared information about 207 horses. The obtained data was analysed in the spreadsheet program MS Excel 2019. Analysing the results of the survey, it became clear that it is not possible to completely prevent colic, as they have no identifiable causes and can occur with all training, keeping and feeding methods. However, there are some nuances that either reduce or increase the occurrence of colic. This master's thesis would be a good starting point for subsequent similar surveys, experiments and researches. This topic can be studied in more detail and over a longer period of time.
Loomakasvatuse õppekaval
magistritööd, hobune, koolikud, söötmine, seedesüsteem