Vesioina energiakasutus – hüdraulika õppevahend
Kättesaadav alates
Lehikoinen, Mauri Rein
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Eesti Maaülikool
Antud bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on valmistada vesioina õppevahend ja seda katsetada,
lisaks koostada laboratoorsete tööde juhendid. Töö teoreetilises osas on kirjeldatud
hüdroenergia kasutusalasid ja sellega seonduvaid direktiive, hüdropumpade ajalugu,
näited ning vesioina ajalugu, tööpõhimõtet ja omadusi. Praktilises osas on kirjeldatakse
õppevahendi valmistamise protsessi ja kasutatud töövahendeid. Katselises osas on
kajastatud mõõtetulemused ning nendele tuginevad arvutused ja analüüs. Õppevahend
paigaldati Tehnikamaja katlalabori juurde.
Arvutuslikus osas selgusid valmistatud vesioina kaudne kasutegur, pumpamise võimsus
ja pumbatava vee suhe süsteemi sisse voolava veega. Süsteemi on võimalik muuta
tõhusamaks, mille tulemusena seadme parameetrid paranevad. Koostatud laboratoorsete
tööde juhendeid on võimalik tulevikus kasutada hüdraulikaga seotud õppeainete laborites.
Vesioina puhul on vaja teostada edasisi katseid, et kinnistada selle toimimise põhimõtteid.
The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to assemble a hydraulic ram as an educative device and test it, in addition instructions for laboratory are prepared. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the areas of use of hydropower and realted directives, the history of hydraulic pumps, its examples and the history of the hydraulic ram, working principle and characteristics are described. The practical part describes the process of making the educative device and the tools used in the process. In the experimental part, the measurement results, the calculations and analysis based on them are reported. The educative device was installed near the Institute of Technology (Tehnikamaja) boiler laboratory room. In the calculation part of the thesis, the indirect efficiency of the assembled hydraulic pump, the pumping power and the ratio of the pumped water to the water flowing into the system were revealed. It is possible to make the system more efficient, as a result of which the parameters of the device are improved. The prepared laboratory instructions can be used in the laboratories of hydraulics-related subjects in the future. Further experiments are needed for the hydraulic ram to confirm the principles of its operation.
The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to assemble a hydraulic ram as an educative device and test it, in addition instructions for laboratory are prepared. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the areas of use of hydropower and realted directives, the history of hydraulic pumps, its examples and the history of the hydraulic ram, working principle and characteristics are described. The practical part describes the process of making the educative device and the tools used in the process. In the experimental part, the measurement results, the calculations and analysis based on them are reported. The educative device was installed near the Institute of Technology (Tehnikamaja) boiler laboratory room. In the calculation part of the thesis, the indirect efficiency of the assembled hydraulic pump, the pumping power and the ratio of the pumped water to the water flowing into the system were revealed. It is possible to make the system more efficient, as a result of which the parameters of the device are improved. The prepared laboratory instructions can be used in the laboratories of hydraulics-related subjects in the future. Further experiments are needed for the hydraulic ram to confirm the principles of its operation.
Tehnika ja tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, vesioinas, hüdropump, taastuvenergia, potentsiaalne ja kineetiline energia, õppevahend, Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid), keskkonnatehnika, keskkonnasõbralikud tooted