Kuumastressi mõju lehmade sigivusele, piimatoodangule ja tervisele
Kättesaadav alates
Petrov, Kersti
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
Eesti Maaülikool
Antud bakalaureusetöö keskendub kuumastressi ja selle mõjude uurimisele veiste seas, eriti lehmadel. Töö eesmärk on tutvustada kuumastressi ja selle mõju lehmade söömisele, toodangule, sigimisnäitajatele ja tervisele ning pakkuda välja lahendusi, mis võiksid leevendada lehmade kuumastressi.
Kuumastress on oluline teema kariloomakasvatuses, kuna sellel võib olla märkimisväärne majanduslik mõju. Kuumastressi peamised keskkonnategurid on välitemperatuur, suhteline õhuniiskus ja päikesekiirgus. Veised vajavad kõrgete temperatuuridega harjumiseks aega, kuid pikaajaline kokkupuude võib põhjustada kehatemperatuuri tõusu, tootlikkuse langust ning sigimisprobleeme.
On oluline tagada veistele sobivad tingimused, et vältida kuumastressi negatiivseid mõjusid. Selleks võib kasutada mitmeid meetmeid, näiteks varju pakkumist päikese eest, ventilatsiooni parandamist ning sobiva sööda ja vee kättesaadavuse tagamist. Veiste kehatemperatuuri jälgimine on oluline, et avastada varakult kuumastressi esimesed tunnused ning rakendada vajalikud meetmed selle leevendamiseks.
This bachelor's thesis focuses on studying heat stress and its effects among cattle, especially cows. The aim of the study is to introduce heat stress and its impact on cows' feeding, production, reproductive performance, and health, as well as propose solutions that could alleviate heat stress in cows. Heat stress is an important topic in livestock farming, as it can have a significant economic impact. The primary environmental factors contributing to heat stress are ambient temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation. Cattle require time to acclimate to high temperatures, but prolonged exposure can lead to an increase in body temperature, a decrease in productivity, and reproductive problems. It is crucial to ensure suitable conditions for cattle to prevent the negative effects of heat stress. This can be achieved through various measures, such as providing shade from the sun, improving ventilation, and ensuring access to appropriate feed and water. Monitoring cattle body temperature is important to detect early signs of heat stress and take necessary measures to alleviate it.
This bachelor's thesis focuses on studying heat stress and its effects among cattle, especially cows. The aim of the study is to introduce heat stress and its impact on cows' feeding, production, reproductive performance, and health, as well as propose solutions that could alleviate heat stress in cows. Heat stress is an important topic in livestock farming, as it can have a significant economic impact. The primary environmental factors contributing to heat stress are ambient temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation. Cattle require time to acclimate to high temperatures, but prolonged exposure can lead to an increase in body temperature, a decrease in productivity, and reproductive problems. It is crucial to ensure suitable conditions for cattle to prevent the negative effects of heat stress. This can be achieved through various measures, such as providing shade from the sun, improving ventilation, and ensuring access to appropriate feed and water. Monitoring cattle body temperature is important to detect early signs of heat stress and take necessary measures to alleviate it.
Loomakasvatuse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, kuumastress, sigivus, piimatoodang