Hinnang Piusa Ürgoru puhkekompleksi arenguinvesteeringutele
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Piusa Ürgoru puhkekompleksi tegutsemisaastast, aastast 2000, kuni 2012. aastani on tehtud ettevõttes mitmeid investeeringuid. Investeeringute teostamise põhjused on olnud erinevad, on soovitud suurendada majutatavust ja klientide arvu ning omakorda on investeeringuid tehtud ka kulude kokkuhoidmiseks. Investeeringud on teostatud nii toetuste, laenude kui ka omavahenditega. Samuti soovivad ettevõtte omanikud pikendada hooaega ning meelitada kliente ettevõttesse ka talvel, seega on omanikel plaan ettevõtte maa-alal olevat nõlva ära kasutada ning ehitada sellele snowtuubirada, kus kliendid snowtuubide, mäesuuskade ning lumelaudadega sõita saaksid.
Varasemate investeeringute mõju hindamiseks ettevõtte jätkusuutlikkusele ning konkurentsivõimele valiti kolm viimati teostatud investeeringut – veskihoone rekonstrueerimine, puhkemaja uuendamine ning pesumaja ehitamine.
2008. aastal rekonstrueeritud veskihoone seminarihooneks, peosaaliks ning uudseks köögiks suurendas nii ettevõtte külastatavust, klientide arvu kui ka käivet. Kui varasemalt käisid külastajad ettevõttes peamiselt suvel, siis seminariruum ning peosaal tõi kliente juurde ka sügisest kuni kevadeni. Samuti tekkis ettevõtte omanikel võimalus toitlustusteenuse pakkumiseks, tänu millele saavad kliendid peolaudu ette tellida ning ööbima jäädes hommikusööki süüa. Investeeringu teostamiseks said ettevõtte omanikud PRIA-lt toetust, võeti juurde laen ning kasutati ka omavahendeid.
Hinnanguliselt suurenes klientide külastatavus ettevõttes tänu veskihoone rekonstrueerimisele 40 % ulatuses. Samuti suurenesid ka ettevõtte tulud ning kulud. Kui veskihoone valmimisaastat, 2008. aastat, võrrelda eelneva, 2007. aastaga, siis selgub, et tänu uuele köögile suurenesid tulud toitlustuselt 56 % võrra ning tulu ruumide rendi eest kujunes samuti võrreldud aastate suurimaks. Kuigi 2009. aastal müügitulu majanduskriisi tõttu vähenes, võib väita, et veskihoone rekonstrueerimine aitas kaasa ka ettevõtte toimimisele majanduslikult raskel aastal, sest kuigi tulu majutuselt oli poole väiksem kui 2007. aastal, siis toitlustuselt saadi tulu 23% rohkem ning ruumide rendilt koguni 56% rohkem kui 2007. aastal, mil seminari- ning peohoonet ettevõttel polnud. Ka kulutused 2008 aastal suurenesid märgatavalt,
sest uued teenused nõudsid uusi kulutusi. Tänu toitlustusteenuste pakkumisele suurenesid kulutused kaubale, toorele ja materjalile, võrreldes 2008. aastat 2007. aastaga, 53 % ulatuses. Ka reklaamikulud olid 2008. aastal suurimad, sest teenuste lisandumise tõttu pidid ettevõtte omanikud laskma teha uued reklaamlehed ning laskma muuta ka kodulehekülge.
2009. aastal teostatud puhkemaja uuendus suurendas majutuskohtade arvu ning muutis puhkemaja mugavamaks ning moodsamaks. Kui varasemalt mahutas puhkemaja 9 voodikohta, siis pärast uuendamist juba 23 voodikohta. Puhkemaja uuenduse teostasid ettevõtte omanikud jaotamata kasumi arvelt ning kuigi samal aastal tulu majutuse eest majanduskriisi tõttu oli kõigest üle 200 tuhande eesti krooni, siis 2010. aastal oli olukord juba paranenud ning majutuse eest saadi tulu juba poole rohkem, üle 400 tuhande krooni.
2011. aasta pesumaja ehituseks, et kulutusi linade pesemiselt kokku hoida, said Piusa Ürgoru puhkekompleksi omanikud järjekordselt toetust, Piirivere Leadrist ning seega ei kujunenud omanike enda kulud pesumajale väga suureks. Kuna 2011. aasta majandusaasta aruanne pole veel kättesaadav, siis ei saa täpselt teada kui palju pesumaja kulusid aitab kokku hoida, kuid ettevõtte omanike arvates umbes 55 % ulatuses, sest vesi ettevõttes kulutusi ei tekita ning kokkuhoid tekib ka transpordi ning pesupesemisteenuse maksmise arvelt.
Kuna kliendid on puhkekohti külastades eelkõige huvitatud majutusest, toitlustusest, pidude pidamisest, seminaride korraldamisest ning aktiivsetest tegevustest, siis võib väita, et Piusa Ürgoru puhkekompleksis tehtud arenguinvesteeringud on ettevõtte muutnud tunduvalt konkurentsivõimelisemaks. Kõige enam on konkurentsivõime kasvule kaasa aidanud veskihoone rekonstrueerimine, sest tänu sellele laienesid ettevõttes pakutavad teenused ning see omakorda suurendas klientide külastatavust hinnanguliselt 40% ulatuses. Suurem ja moodsam puhkemaja muudab klientide külastuse mugavamaks ning mahutab rohkem ja pesumaja olemas olek muudab ettevõtte kulud väiksemaks ning tagab alati vooditele puhtad linad.
Puhkemajapidamises on üheks olulisemaks konkurentsieeliseks toodete ja teenuste diferentseeritus ning oluline on ka, et ettevõttes aastaringi rahvast käiks. Seega otsustasid Piusa Ürgoru puhkekompleksi omanikud ettevõtet järjekordselt laiendada ning rajada ettevõtte maa-alal olevale nõlvale snowtuubiraja. Kuna see on esialgu ainult plaan ning täpseid arvutusi pole veel tehtud, siis antud töös ei saa välja tuua kas projekt tasub vastu võtta või mitte, kuid hinnata saab, kas projekt on antud ettevõttes üldse teostatav.
The main question of the thesis was, whether the investments made have helped the company to achieve its goals and reach a market position. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to give an evaluation on if and how the development investments made in the Piusa Ürgoru Holiday Center have influenced the sustainability and competitiveness of the company, and to examine if the planned investment is feasible. The thesis consists of three chapters and the author dwells on achieving the posed goal by the structure of the thesis. The first chapter gives an overview of the theorie on how development investments raise competitiveness. A review of holiday centers in Estonia and Võru County is given in the second chapter. The factors that influence the competitiveness of recreational companies have also been brought forth. In the third chapter an overview of the Piusa Ürgoru Holiday Center, the investments made so far and the future plans, has been provided. The Piusa Ürgoru Holiday Center has been operating since 2000. Since 2007, several investments have been made to develop the holiday center: the reconstruction of the Härmä mill into a seminar building with a modern kitchen, which diversified the services offered by the company and thanks to which the company´s frequency of attendance rose by 40%, the sustainability and competitiveness were improved; the enlargement and renovation work in the holiday home, which enhanced its accommodation places from 9 to 23, made the rooms more comfortable and the return on accommodation higher; the construction of a laundry room, which helps the owners of the company to save costs on washing laundry. All of these investments are linked to securing the sustainability of the company and to offering the customers opportunities and services. While the investments made have a bigger influence on the frequency of attendance in the summertime, when already a lot of people visit, the owners of the company came up with the idea of establishing pistes and installing a chairlift on the hill, to attract more visitors also in the wintertime. Company internal and external secondary data was used in the thesis. The companys economic indicators and descriptive indicators for investments were collected by examining documents. The frequency of attendance and some indicators describing the competitiveness were compared to the info found on the homepage of the statistics office. The homepages of the Piusa Ürgoru Holiday Center and its main competitors were also studied, to compare the company with the main competitors in the services offered and the prices. The primary data was collected on the basis of an interview about the companys investments and marketing, as well as the factors influencing the competitiveness. The thesis shows, that the investments made so far have fulfilled their goals, because the number of the visitors grew by 45% in the years 2007 to 2010 and the costs on laundry have decreased by an estimate of 55%. The investments have also improved the competitiveness, because the number of accommodation places has gone up, the array of services widened thanks to catering, seminars and the festive hall. Although more visitors come more often also from autumn to spring due to the investments made, the winter still is quieter in the company and the planned investment would enhance the number of visitors in the wintertime. Hence the owners of the company should determine, if the investment is lucrative and when possible, establish a snowtube hill, because this would enhance the companys competitiveness even more, and in the future increase turnover and frequnecy of attendance.
The main question of the thesis was, whether the investments made have helped the company to achieve its goals and reach a market position. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to give an evaluation on if and how the development investments made in the Piusa Ürgoru Holiday Center have influenced the sustainability and competitiveness of the company, and to examine if the planned investment is feasible. The thesis consists of three chapters and the author dwells on achieving the posed goal by the structure of the thesis. The first chapter gives an overview of the theorie on how development investments raise competitiveness. A review of holiday centers in Estonia and Võru County is given in the second chapter. The factors that influence the competitiveness of recreational companies have also been brought forth. In the third chapter an overview of the Piusa Ürgoru Holiday Center, the investments made so far and the future plans, has been provided. The Piusa Ürgoru Holiday Center has been operating since 2000. Since 2007, several investments have been made to develop the holiday center: the reconstruction of the Härmä mill into a seminar building with a modern kitchen, which diversified the services offered by the company and thanks to which the company´s frequency of attendance rose by 40%, the sustainability and competitiveness were improved; the enlargement and renovation work in the holiday home, which enhanced its accommodation places from 9 to 23, made the rooms more comfortable and the return on accommodation higher; the construction of a laundry room, which helps the owners of the company to save costs on washing laundry. All of these investments are linked to securing the sustainability of the company and to offering the customers opportunities and services. While the investments made have a bigger influence on the frequency of attendance in the summertime, when already a lot of people visit, the owners of the company came up with the idea of establishing pistes and installing a chairlift on the hill, to attract more visitors also in the wintertime. Company internal and external secondary data was used in the thesis. The companys economic indicators and descriptive indicators for investments were collected by examining documents. The frequency of attendance and some indicators describing the competitiveness were compared to the info found on the homepage of the statistics office. The homepages of the Piusa Ürgoru Holiday Center and its main competitors were also studied, to compare the company with the main competitors in the services offered and the prices. The primary data was collected on the basis of an interview about the companys investments and marketing, as well as the factors influencing the competitiveness. The thesis shows, that the investments made so far have fulfilled their goals, because the number of the visitors grew by 45% in the years 2007 to 2010 and the costs on laundry have decreased by an estimate of 55%. The investments have also improved the competitiveness, because the number of accommodation places has gone up, the array of services widened thanks to catering, seminars and the festive hall. Although more visitors come more often also from autumn to spring due to the investments made, the winter still is quieter in the company and the planned investment would enhance the number of visitors in the wintertime. Hence the owners of the company should determine, if the investment is lucrative and when possible, establish a snowtube hill, because this would enhance the companys competitiveness even more, and in the future increase turnover and frequnecy of attendance.
arenguinvesteeringud, puhkekompleks, konkurentsivõime, bakalaureusetööd