Delineation of catchment area for the lake Kisezers for environmental sustainability
Kättesaadav alates
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
Estonian University of Life Sciences
The study aims to develop a methodology for the delineation of a catchment area. The
methodology includes the processing and analysis of LiDAR data, on-field height measurement
data, bathymetric data, hydrological data. High definition catchment area maps are successfully
constructed. Catchment area influencing factors such as water mass movement and changes in
land use are determined. Lake Kisezers was selected as the study site because the location of the
lake, the availability of data, the feasibility studies, the economic potential of the catchment area
determine the topicality and significance of this study. The lake catchment area covers multiple
rivers, urban and rural territories, forests, high and low terrains. In the catchment area of Lake
Kisezers many hydrologic monitoring stations with continuous data are situated. In the research
area, we can study how those factors interact with the possibility to perform a catchment area
delineation. The final result of this study is the catchment area for Lake Kisezers. The research
results are high-definition and can be used to understand locations of floodplains, territories with
malfunctioning drainage systems. The repetition of this study requires extensive knowledge of
cartography, experience in working with terrain and bathymetry data, wide range of GIS
knowledge. The research was performed using computer software such as QGIS and GRASS GIS.
The application of the methodology used in this study can serve as an example for delineation
and analysis of a catchment area for other lakes and rivers. Overall, the study is a success.
Received: January 31st, 2021 ; Accepted: July 13th, 2021 ; Published: October 5th, 2021 ; Correspondence:
catchment area, GRASS GIS, LiDAR, QGIS, lake, articles