Lambascottal põhineva probiootilise scottajoogi tehnoloogia väljatöötamine
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Scotta on ricotta juustu tootmise peamine kõrvalsaadus. Tänapäeval toodetakse ricottat
suhteliselt palju ning seetõttu on muutunud scotta suureks keskkonnaprobleemiks. Scotta
on energiarikas sekundaartooraine, mille utiliseerimine on keskkonnakaitse seisukohast
problemaatiline. Seetõttu on oluline leida scottale alternatiivseid kasutusvõimalusi.
Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärk on anda ülevaade vadakust, scottast, nende
kasutusvõimalustest inimtoiduks ning selgitada välja, kas sobivate piimhappebakteritega
scotta fermenteerimine loob võimaluse probiootilise joogi valmistamiseks.
Probiootilise scottajoogi valmistamiseks lisati scottale erinevad piimhappebakterid, viidi
läbi 6 tunni pikkune fermentatsiooniprotsess ning seejärel lisati maitseomaduste
parandamiseks kahele proovile õunamahla. Saadud proove säilitati 21 päeva. Igal
säilitamise nädalal määrati jookide pH ning tehti mikrobioloogilised analüüsid, et teha
kindlaks, kas jookidel on endiselt olemas probiootiline efekt (piimhappebakterite arvukus >
6 log PMÜ/ml). Proovide valmistamise päeval ja säilitamise viimasel päeval viidi läbi
jookide sensoorne analüüs.
Scotta fermentatsiooniprotsessis kasutatud piimhappebakterite arvukus oli nii alguses kui
ka säilitamise viimasel päeval kõrge (> 9,48-10,34 log PMÜ/ml), mis tõestas, et scotta on
sobiv keskkond piimhappebakterite kasvuks. Samuti selgus, et kõik scottajookide proovid
sisaldasid inimese tervisele kasulikku mõju avaldavat piimhappebakterite efektiivdoosi (> 6
log PMÜ/ml) ning sellest tulenevalt sobivad katsetes kasutatud piimhappebakterid
probiootilise scottajoogi valmistamiseks.
Scottale õunamahla lisamine langetas jookide üldist pH-d, aga fermentatsiooni kulgu see ei
mõjutanud. Sensoorse analüüsi tulemustest selgus, et scottajoogid olid tarbijatele
vastuvõetavad. Kõige meeldivamaks hinnati proov 1S, mis sisaldas scottat, õunamahla ja
Synbio kultuuri.
Scotta kasutamist substraadina probiootilise joogi valmistamiseks on veel vähe uuritud ja
katsetatud ning antud teema vääriks kindlasti täiendavat uurimist. Töö raames kogutud
andmeid saab edukalt kasutada tulevastes uurimistöödes veel parema joogi
Scotta is the main by-product of ricotta cheese production. Today, ricotta is produced in relatively large quantities, which is why scotta has become a major environmental problem. Scotta is an energy-rich secondary raw material which is problematic from an environmental point of view. Therefore, it is important to find alternative uses for scotta. The aim of this master's thesis is to give an overview of whey, scotta, their uses for human consumption and to find out whether the fermentation of scotta with suitable lactic acid bacteria creates an opportunity to prepare a probiotic drink. To prepare a probiotic scotta drink, various lactic acid bacteria were added to the scotta, a fermentation process was performed for 6 hours, and then apple juice was added to two samples to improve the taste. The resulting samples were stored for 21 days. The pH of the beverages was determined at each week of storage and microbiological analyzes were performed to determine if the beverages still had a probiotic effect (lactic acid count > 6 log CFU/ml). Sensory analysis of the beverages was performed on the day of sample preparation and the last day of storage. The number of lactic acid bacteria used in the scotta fermentation process was high both at the beginning and on the last day of storage (> 9.48-10.34 log CFU/ml), proving that scotta is a suitable medium for the growth of lactic acid bacteria. It was also found that all samples of scotta beverages contained an effective dose of lactic acid bacteria with a beneficial effect on human health (> 6 log CFU/ml) and therefore the lactic acid bacteria used in the experiments were suitable for the preparation of a probiotic scotta beverage. The addition of apple juice to scotta lowered the overall pH of the drinks, but did not affect the fermentation process. The results of the sensory analysis showed that the scotta drinks were acceptable to consumers. The most preferred sample was 1S, which contained scotta, apple juice and Synbio culture. The use of scotta as a substrate for the preparation of a probiotic beverage has been little studied and tested, and this topic is definitely worth further investigation. The data collected in this work can be successfully used in future research to develop an even better drink.
Scotta is the main by-product of ricotta cheese production. Today, ricotta is produced in relatively large quantities, which is why scotta has become a major environmental problem. Scotta is an energy-rich secondary raw material which is problematic from an environmental point of view. Therefore, it is important to find alternative uses for scotta. The aim of this master's thesis is to give an overview of whey, scotta, their uses for human consumption and to find out whether the fermentation of scotta with suitable lactic acid bacteria creates an opportunity to prepare a probiotic drink. To prepare a probiotic scotta drink, various lactic acid bacteria were added to the scotta, a fermentation process was performed for 6 hours, and then apple juice was added to two samples to improve the taste. The resulting samples were stored for 21 days. The pH of the beverages was determined at each week of storage and microbiological analyzes were performed to determine if the beverages still had a probiotic effect (lactic acid count > 6 log CFU/ml). Sensory analysis of the beverages was performed on the day of sample preparation and the last day of storage. The number of lactic acid bacteria used in the scotta fermentation process was high both at the beginning and on the last day of storage (> 9.48-10.34 log CFU/ml), proving that scotta is a suitable medium for the growth of lactic acid bacteria. It was also found that all samples of scotta beverages contained an effective dose of lactic acid bacteria with a beneficial effect on human health (> 6 log CFU/ml) and therefore the lactic acid bacteria used in the experiments were suitable for the preparation of a probiotic scotta beverage. The addition of apple juice to scotta lowered the overall pH of the drinks, but did not affect the fermentation process. The results of the sensory analysis showed that the scotta drinks were acceptable to consumers. The most preferred sample was 1S, which contained scotta, apple juice and Synbio culture. The use of scotta as a substrate for the preparation of a probiotic beverage has been little studied and tested, and this topic is definitely worth further investigation. The data collected in this work can be successfully used in future research to develop an even better drink.
Toiduainete tehnoloogia õppekaval
magistritööd, scotta, scottajook, ricotta juustu vadak, probiootikum