Orgaanilise süsiniku mõju mullale omastatava P sisaldusele mullas
Kättesaadav alates
Reintam, Brigitte Carmel
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Eesti Maaülikool
Fosfor (P) on üks 17-st olulisest elemendist, mis on vajalik taime kasvuks. Mitmed
keerulised ja omavahel seotud protsessid määravad ära, kui palju fosforit on mullas ja kui
palju sellest on taimedele omastaval kujul. P väetamine põhineb tavaliselt mulla katsetel,
mille teostamisel kasutatakse mitmesuguseid erinevaid mulla P ektraheerimislahuseid.
Uurimustöös analüüsitakse 30 mullaproovi. Käesoleva töö eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada
ekstraheeruva P sisaldust mullas mõjutavad tegurid. Selgitada välja, kas orgaanilise P
(Porg) sisaldus mullas sõltub mulla orgaanilise süsiniku (Corg) sisaldusest; kas orgaanilise
P (Porg) sisaldus võib oluliselt muuta taimedele omastatava P sisalduse määramise
tulemusi ning kas NaOH-EDTA ekstraktsiooni meetodi abil on võimalik määrata ühest ja
samast lahusest nii kogu- , mineraalne ja orgaaniline ekstraheeruv P. Tulemused näitavad,
et puudub seos ekstraheeruva Porg ja mulla Corg vahel. NaOH-EDTA ekstraktis on Porg
sisaldus oluliselt kõrgem fosfaatse P sisaldusest ning AES kasutamisel määramisel saadud
tulemus näitab fosfaatse ja Porg fraktsiooni summaarset sisaldust, kus mõlemal vormil on
oluline osakaal. Edaspidi oleks vajalik teha rohkem võrdlevaid analüüse erinevate
omadustega muldadega ning otsida sobivamat tehnilist lahendust analüüsi teostamiseks.
Phosphorus (P) is one of the 17 essential elements necessary for plant growth. Several complex and interconnected processes determine the amount of phosphorus present in the soil and how much of it is available to plants. Phosphorus fertilization is typically based on soil tests, which involve the use of various soil P extraction solutions. This study analyzes 30 soil samples . The aim of this work was to identify factors influencing the extractable P content in the soil. The goal was to determine if the organic P (Porg) content in the soil depends on the soil's organic carbon (Corg) content, if the organic P (Porg) content significantly affects the determination of P available to plants, and if the NaOH-EDTA extraction method can be used to determine total, mineral, and organic extractable P from the same solution. The results indicate that there is no relationship between extractable Porg and soil Corg. The Porg content in the NaOH-EDTA extract is significantly higher than the phosphate P content, and the results obtained using AES show the combined content of phosphate and Porg fractions, with both forms being significant. Further comparative analyses with different soil properties and the search for a more suitable technical solution for analysis would be necessary in the future.
Phosphorus (P) is one of the 17 essential elements necessary for plant growth. Several complex and interconnected processes determine the amount of phosphorus present in the soil and how much of it is available to plants. Phosphorus fertilization is typically based on soil tests, which involve the use of various soil P extraction solutions. This study analyzes 30 soil samples . The aim of this work was to identify factors influencing the extractable P content in the soil. The goal was to determine if the organic P (Porg) content in the soil depends on the soil's organic carbon (Corg) content, if the organic P (Porg) content significantly affects the determination of P available to plants, and if the NaOH-EDTA extraction method can be used to determine total, mineral, and organic extractable P from the same solution. The results indicate that there is no relationship between extractable Porg and soil Corg. The Porg content in the NaOH-EDTA extract is significantly higher than the phosphate P content, and the results obtained using AES show the combined content of phosphate and Porg fractions, with both forms being significant. Further comparative analyses with different soil properties and the search for a more suitable technical solution for analysis would be necessary in the future.
Põllumajandussaaduste tootmise ja turustamise õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, fosfor, määramismeetodid, üld P, orgaaniline fosfor, Mehlich 3, NaOH-EDTA ekstraktsioon, pH