Kihtlisandus tehnoloogiaga vormide valmistamine komposiitmaterjalist detailide lamineerimiseks
Kättesaadav alates
Treial, Jörgen
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Eesti Maaülikool
Esmalt antakse töös ülevaate traditsioonilisematest vormide valmistamise meetoditest ja tuuakse välja nende head ja vead. seejärel vaadeldakse töös erinevaid materjale mida on võimalik printida ka kõige algelisema 3d printeriga ja hinnatakse nende sobivust koostöös komposiitmaterjalidega. Valmistatakse kaks vormi eri tehnikatega ning lamineeritakse neisse detailid. Esimese valmistatud vormi puhul on probleeme vormi tugevusega. Võrreldakse eri viise vormi tugevdamiseks. Valitakse sobiv viis ning milline materjal antud viisil tugevdatud vormi valmistamiseks on sobilik. Tugevdatud vorm on piisavalt heade omadustega, et võtta kasutusele.
First, the paper gives an overview of the more traditional methods of making molds and points out their advantages and disadvantages. then the work examines various materials that can be printed even with the most basic 3d printer and evaluates their suitability in cooperation with composite materials. Two molds are made using different techniques and the details are laminated into them. The first mold made has issues with mold strength. Different ways to strengthen the form are compared. A suitable method is chosen and which material is suitable for making a mold reinforced in this way. The reinforced mold has good enough properties to be used.
First, the paper gives an overview of the more traditional methods of making molds and points out their advantages and disadvantages. then the work examines various materials that can be printed even with the most basic 3d printer and evaluates their suitability in cooperation with composite materials. Two molds are made using different techniques and the details are laminated into them. The first mold made has issues with mold strength. Different ways to strengthen the form are compared. A suitable method is chosen and which material is suitable for making a mold reinforced in this way. The reinforced mold has good enough properties to be used.
Tootmistehnika õppekaval
magistritööd, komposiitmaterjalid, kihtlisandus, vormimine, lamineerimine