Puhke- ja ajaveetmise võimalustega rikastatud väliruum Annelinna sisehoovi näitel
Kättesaadav alates
Rammul, Merit
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
Eesti Maaülikool
Viimasel ajal on üha rohkem hakatud rääkima kvaliteetse ja inimsõbraliku linnaruumi
olulisusest. Linnade tihe hoonestus, vähene rohelus, sealne kiire elutempo ning
töökultuur mõjuvad inimese vaimsele tervisele ning heaolule pärssivalt.
Käesoleva töö eesmärk on luua Sõpruse puiestee nõukogudeaegsete paneelelamute
sisehoovi mitmefunktsiooniline kujunduslahendus, mis toetaks sealsete elanike heaolu
ning vaimset tervist. Eelkõige keskendutakse tööealistele inimestele liikumis- ja
ajaveetmise võimaluste loomisele. Eesmärgi täitmiseks tutvuti projektala ajalooga,
erinevate inimest ja linnaruumi käsitlevate uuringutega ning analüüsiti sarnaseid
lahendusi nii Eestist kui ka mujalt maailmast, mille tulemusena on valminud
mitmefunktsiooniline läbimõeldud lahendusega paneelelamutevaheline sisehoov, mis
ühendub Annelinna kergliiklus ning UNESCO kirjanduslinn Tartu kontseptsiooniga.
The importance of high-quality and human-friendly urban space has been increasingly recognized and developed. The excessive density of cities, lack of greenery, the fast pace of life and work culture have negative effects on people’s mental health and well-being. The aim of this thesis is to create a multi-functional design solution for the block house district courtyard on Sõpruse puiestee street. In particular, the focus is on creating active lifestyle and leisure opportunities for working people. In order to create a proper design solution, the history of the project area, various studies of the connection of residents and urban space were studied. Similar solutions from all over the world, including Estonia, were analysed to have a well-thought-out solution for block house district courtyard, which fit to the concept city of literature Tartu and is part of the pedestrian and cycling networks of Annelinn.
The importance of high-quality and human-friendly urban space has been increasingly recognized and developed. The excessive density of cities, lack of greenery, the fast pace of life and work culture have negative effects on people’s mental health and well-being. The aim of this thesis is to create a multi-functional design solution for the block house district courtyard on Sõpruse puiestee street. In particular, the focus is on creating active lifestyle and leisure opportunities for working people. In order to create a proper design solution, the history of the project area, various studies of the connection of residents and urban space were studied. Similar solutions from all over the world, including Estonia, were analysed to have a well-thought-out solution for block house district courtyard, which fit to the concept city of literature Tartu and is part of the pedestrian and cycling networks of Annelinn.
Keskkonnaplaneerimise ja maastikukujunduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, paneelelamurajoon, haljastus, tervendav linnaruum, kvaliteetne väliruum