Aastaringselt kasutatav akvapooniline kasvuhoone
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Eesti Maaülikool
Antud töö eesmärk on ettevõtte akvalabs OÜ jaoks projekteerida aastaringne akvapooniline
kasvuhoone. Hoone peab osaliselt rahuldama viieliikmelise perekonna köögivilja
aastatarbimise vajadused. Kasvuhoones kasvava toidu eesmärk pole olla odavam alternatiiv
poest ostetud toiduainetele vaid garanteerida aastaringne ligipääs puhtale kõrgkvaliteetsele
toidule, ning tuua toidu tootmine lõpptarbijale lähemale. Hoone peab töötama ka põhjamaises
kliimas. Projekteerimise käigus valmis 18 ruutmeetrise põhjapindalaga kasvuhoone
planeering, mille külgede pikkused on 3 meetrit ja 6 meetrit, kõrgusega 3 meetrit.
Teoreetiline tootmisvõimekus on kombineeritult 400 kg lehtköögivilja ja marju aastas ning
100 kg kala aastas. Käesolevas töös valiti projekteeritavas kasvuhoones kasvavateks kaladeks
karpkala (Cyprinus carpio). Köögiviljadeks valiti tomatid, lehtsalat, spinat, basiilik ja
marjakasvatuseks maasikad.
The purpose of this final project is to design and plan the construction of a year-round aquaponic greenhouse for akvalabs OÜ, which is capable of partially satisfying the grocery needs of a 5 member family. The aim of this product is not to be a cheaper alternative to grocery shopping, but to guarantee access to clean and fresh, premium quality food throughout the year, even in cold climate. In the process, a greenhouse with 18 square meter surface area and 3 meters of height was designed. The theoretical production capability of this unit should be around 400 kg of vegetables per year in addition to 100 kg of fish throughout the year. For the purpose of this design, the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) was chosen. The vegetables chosen for being produced in this system are tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), lettuce (Lactuca sativa ), spinach (Spinacia oleracea), basil (Ocimum basilicum) with the addition of strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa.)
The purpose of this final project is to design and plan the construction of a year-round aquaponic greenhouse for akvalabs OÜ, which is capable of partially satisfying the grocery needs of a 5 member family. The aim of this product is not to be a cheaper alternative to grocery shopping, but to guarantee access to clean and fresh, premium quality food throughout the year, even in cold climate. In the process, a greenhouse with 18 square meter surface area and 3 meters of height was designed. The theoretical production capability of this unit should be around 400 kg of vegetables per year in addition to 100 kg of fish throughout the year. For the purpose of this design, the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) was chosen. The vegetables chosen for being produced in this system are tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), lettuce (Lactuca sativa ), spinach (Spinacia oleracea), basil (Ocimum basilicum) with the addition of strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa.)
Tehnotroonika õppekaval
lõputööd, akvapoonika, hüdropoonika, vesiviljelus, asjade internet, toiduohutus, Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid), mahetoit