Intra-annual height growth dynamics of Scots and lodgepole pines and its relationship with meteorological parameters in central Latvia
Kättesaadav alates
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
The Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is the second-most widely used tree species in
forestry in Latvia and is the only species used for afforestation on nutrient poor soils that cover
considerable forest land in Latvia. Several studies have shown that, in such conditions, the
lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) may be more productive in terms of biomass and
yield. It is important to consider climate change studies to assess the potential for a larger-scale
use of the lodgepole pine in forestry. The aim was to assess the intra-annual height growth
patterns of both species, the differences between them, and the influence of meteorological
parameters on their height growth. Their height growth was monitored on a weekly basis in two
sampling sites in central Latvia, and the height increment curves were described by Gompertz’s
model. The height growth dynamics of individual trees and species differed notably, indicating
the potential for the selection of the best-adapted genotypes. Our results indicate that the early
onset of the active growth phase might be the most important factor determining the total height
increment for both species. Temperature-related meteorological parameters were the only ones
with a statistically significant influence on pines height growth and only when at least one of the
variables were standardised prior to the analysis. A temperature increase had a slightly stronger
positive effect on the growth of the lodgepole pine, indicating that it might be suitable for more
intensive use in forestry under the climate change scenarios for Latvia.
apical growth, growth intensity, height increment, Pinus contorta, Pinus sylvestris, articles