Maavajaduse uurimus pumpelektrijaama rajamiseks Viru-Nigula valda
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Eesti Maaülikool
Magistritöö eesmärk on välja selgitada maakasutusest lähtuvad võimalused
pumpelektrijaama rajamiseks Kalvi ja Aseriaru küla territooriumil paiknevale
pankrannikule Viru-Nigula vallas Lääne-Virumaal.
Uurimistöös on kasutatud valmisandmestike meetodit. Andmete allikaks on Maa-ameti
geoportaal. Lisaks on töö koostamisel kasutatud kaardistamise meetodit.
Töö tulemustest lähtuvalt on Viru-Nigula valda võimalik rajada 160,3 hektari suurusele
maa-alale pumpelektrijaama ülemine veereservuaar mahtuvusega 21,5 km³.
Veereservuaari 21-26 m kõrguse kaldavalli rajamiseks on vajalik paigaldada 5,9 km³
täitepinnast ning ümber veereservuaari tuleb rajada üle kuue kilomeetri teenindusteid.
Jaama alumine veehaardekanal on võimalik rajada läbi Aseri savimaardla, mis paikneb
mereäärses tööstuspiirkonnas ning sellel kaldalõigul ei paikne kaitstavaid loodusobjekte.
Planeeritav veehaardekanal võtab enda alla koos tehnosüsteemide ja teenindusteedega
55,4 hektari suuruse maa-ala ning on 1,6 km pikkune ja kuni 280 m laiune. Kanali
rajamiseks on vajalik teisaldada hinnanguliselt 5,9 kuni 6,2 km³ pinnast, mis vastab jaama
ülemise veereservuaari kaldavalli ja aluspõhja rajamiseks vajamineva täitepinnase
Jaama edasine planeerimine vajab asjast huvitatud ettevõtjat, kes teeb Viru-Nigula
vallavolikogule ettepaneku algatada kohaliku omavalitsuse eriplaneering eesmärgiga
rajada valda pumpelektrijaam. Maakasutuse seisukohast on pumpelektrijaama rajamine
Viru-Nigula valda realistlik ettevõtmine.
This master's thesis is to find out the possibilities arising from land use for the construction of a pumped storage power plant, on the banks of Kalvi and Aseriaru village in ViruNigula Municipality, Lääne-Viru County. The research has used the method of ready-made datasets. The source of the data is the Land Board geoportal. In addition, the work uses "Survey-type" methods. Based on the results of the work, it is possible to build the upper water reservoir of the pumped storage plant with a capacity of 21.5 km³ on an area of 160.3 hectares in ViruNigula municipality. In order to build a 21 to 26 m high shoreline of the water reservoir, it is necessary to install 5.9 km³ of the filling area. The lower water intake channel of the station can be built through the Aseri clay deposit which is located in an industrial area by the sea. The planned water intake channel, together with utility systems, occupies an area of 55.4 hectares and is 1.6 km long and up to 280 m wide. In order to build the canal it is necessary to move an estimated 5.9 to 6.2 km³ of surface, which corresponds to the volume of infill soil required for the construction of the shoreline and bedrock of the upper water reservoir of the station. Further planning of the plant requires an interested entrepreneur who proposes to ViruNigula Rural Municipality Council to initiate a special plan of the local government with the aim of building a pumped-storage power plant in the municipality. From the point of view of land use, the construction of a pumped-storage power plant in Viru-Nigula municipality is a realistic undertaking.
This master's thesis is to find out the possibilities arising from land use for the construction of a pumped storage power plant, on the banks of Kalvi and Aseriaru village in ViruNigula Municipality, Lääne-Viru County. The research has used the method of ready-made datasets. The source of the data is the Land Board geoportal. In addition, the work uses "Survey-type" methods. Based on the results of the work, it is possible to build the upper water reservoir of the pumped storage plant with a capacity of 21.5 km³ on an area of 160.3 hectares in ViruNigula municipality. In order to build a 21 to 26 m high shoreline of the water reservoir, it is necessary to install 5.9 km³ of the filling area. The lower water intake channel of the station can be built through the Aseri clay deposit which is located in an industrial area by the sea. The planned water intake channel, together with utility systems, occupies an area of 55.4 hectares and is 1.6 km long and up to 280 m wide. In order to build the canal it is necessary to move an estimated 5.9 to 6.2 km³ of surface, which corresponds to the volume of infill soil required for the construction of the shoreline and bedrock of the upper water reservoir of the station. Further planning of the plant requires an interested entrepreneur who proposes to ViruNigula Rural Municipality Council to initiate a special plan of the local government with the aim of building a pumped-storage power plant in the municipality. From the point of view of land use, the construction of a pumped-storage power plant in Viru-Nigula municipality is a realistic undertaking.
Geodeesia, kinnisvara- ja maakorralduse õppekaval
magistritööd, pump-hüdroakumulatsioonijaam, katastriüksus, veereservuaar, veehaardekanal, maakasutus