Järvselja „Metsaülema pargi“ puude ruumiline paiknemine ja takseertunnuste analüüs
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Uurimistöö on Järvselja pargi põõsaste ja puude kaardistamisest, takseertunnuste mõõtmisest
ja statistilisest analüüsist. Töö eesmärk oli anda ülevaade Järvseljal asuva „Metsaülema pargi“
kooslusest, puude paiknemisest ja kirjeldada parki läbi üksikpuude takseertunnuste ja uurida
kuidas erinevad diameeter ning kõrgus looduslikult kasvavatest puudest. Töös kasutati Fieldmap
programmi andmete kogumiseks ja edasine andmetöötlus sai tehtud MS Office Excelis.
Välitööde tulemusena valmis Järvselja pargist kaart, mille järgi on võimalik aru saada puude
paiknemine ja nende võraulatus. Peamiseks tulemuseks oli lehiste ja pärnade suur osakaal
pargis ja nende suured mõõtmed. Lehiste diameetri ruutkeskmine oli 86,16 cm ja pärnadel
63,03 cm. Lehiste tüvemahuks kujunes arvutuste tulemusena 151,40m3
/ha. Kõrguste
võrdlemisel jõudis töö autor oodatud tulemuseni, et pargis ja avatud maastikul kasvavad puud
on madalamad kui metsas kasvavad puud. Pargi ja metsa puude kõrguste erinevus oli lehiste
puhul 18,5 m.
Mõõtmisandmeid on võimalik kasutada teiste sarnaste parkide uurimisel, mõõtmisel ja
analüüsimisel. Töö autor on seisukohal, et tulemuste paremaks võrdlemiseks oleks vaja Eestis
rohkem läbi viia pargipuude mõõtmisi, et tekiks puude ja põõsaste gruppidest ning liikidest
kindel mudel.
The research is about mapping the trees and shrubs in the park, tree characteristics measurements and statistical analysis. The aim was to describe the park through a single tree characteristics and to find out how the diameters and heights differ from the naturally growing trees. In this research was used Fieldmap Data collector and statistical analysis was made with MS Office Excel. The result of the field work is a map about extent of the crown of the trees and their location. The main result was the proportion of big larches and lindens crown projections. Standard deviation of the larches trees was 86,16 cm and linden trees 63,03 cm. Larches stem volume was 151,40 m3 /ha. Comparing the heights of the park and open- landscape trees accomplished expected result that open-landscape trees are lower than forest trees. Larches first layers height difference between park and forest trees was 18,5m. The measurement data can be used for studies, measurements and analyses in other similar parks. For a better comparison of the results the author of the thesis suggests that additional measurements of park trees should be conducted in Estonia to create a universal model for trees and shrubs.
The research is about mapping the trees and shrubs in the park, tree characteristics measurements and statistical analysis. The aim was to describe the park through a single tree characteristics and to find out how the diameters and heights differ from the naturally growing trees. In this research was used Fieldmap Data collector and statistical analysis was made with MS Office Excel. The result of the field work is a map about extent of the crown of the trees and their location. The main result was the proportion of big larches and lindens crown projections. Standard deviation of the larches trees was 86,16 cm and linden trees 63,03 cm. Larches stem volume was 151,40 m3 /ha. Comparing the heights of the park and open- landscape trees accomplished expected result that open-landscape trees are lower than forest trees. Larches first layers height difference between park and forest trees was 18,5m. The measurement data can be used for studies, measurements and analyses in other similar parks. For a better comparison of the results the author of the thesis suggests that additional measurements of park trees should be conducted in Estonia to create a universal model for trees and shrubs.
bakalaureusetööd, Järvselja, võra, analüüs