Lase minu lambad laialt käia. Lambamaastikud Eestis ja Euroopas : näituse kataloog
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Eesti Maaülikool. Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut
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Eesti Maaülikool
“Lase minu lambad laialt käia” on näitus sellest,
kuidas lambad on kujundanud maastikke Eestis ja
laiemalt Euroopas.
Näitus on koostatud projekti CANEPAL raames.
Projekti “Kultuur ja loodus: lambakasvatuse ja
karjaseeluga seotud kultuuripärand Euroopas”
ehk lühemalt CANEPAL eesmärk on uurida, tutvustada
ja väärtustada lambapidamise ja karjaseeluga
seotud pärandit Euroopas. Igal projektis
osaleval partnerriigil on projektis oma teemad.
Eesti teemaks on lambakasvatuse seosed maastikega.
Maastikuteema eest vastutab Eesti Maaülikooli
Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut, kes
on projekti elluviimisel teinud tihedat koostööd
Eesti Rahva Muuseumiga. Näitus “Lase minu lambad laialt käia” annab lühikese
ülevaate projektis CANEPAL osalevate riikide
lambakasvatusega seotud maastikest tuginedes
projekti käigus kogutud uurimustele ja materjalidele.
Näitust valmistasid ette Pille Tomson, Simon Bell,
Kadri Kask, Maaria Semm ja Henri Järv Eesti Maaülikoolist.
Näituse plagud kujundas Aare Puus,
trükitööd tegi Salibar OÜ.
Pildid joonistas näitusele Epp Margna.
“Let my sheep walk far and wide” is an exhibition that shows how shepherding has influenced the landscapes in Estonia and more widely in Europe. The exhibition is part of the project CANEPAL. The project Culture and Nature: the European Heritage of Sheep Farming and Pastoral Life, or CANEPAL in short, aims to explore, promote and value the unique European heritage of sheep farming and shepherding. The project helps to sustain a common and significant part of European heritage and promote tourism and the economic sustainability. Each partner handles an individual research topic in the project. Estonia is reponsible for the research topic sheep farming and the landscape. The institution responsible for the topic of landscape is the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the Estonian University of Life Sciences, which has been working closely with the Estonian National Museum to execute the project activities. The exhibition “Let my sheep walk far and wide” gives a short overview of the pastoral landscapes of the countries participating in the CANEPAL project. It is based on the surveys and materials collected in the course of the CANEPAL project. The members of the exhibition team are Pille Tomson, Simon Bell, Kadri Kask, Maaria Semm, Henri Järv from the Estonian University of Life Sciences. The exhibition stands was designed by Aare Puus. Printed in Salibar OY. Pictures drawn by Epp Margna.
“Let my sheep walk far and wide” is an exhibition that shows how shepherding has influenced the landscapes in Estonia and more widely in Europe. The exhibition is part of the project CANEPAL. The project Culture and Nature: the European Heritage of Sheep Farming and Pastoral Life, or CANEPAL in short, aims to explore, promote and value the unique European heritage of sheep farming and shepherding. The project helps to sustain a common and significant part of European heritage and promote tourism and the economic sustainability. Each partner handles an individual research topic in the project. Estonia is reponsible for the research topic sheep farming and the landscape. The institution responsible for the topic of landscape is the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the Estonian University of Life Sciences, which has been working closely with the Estonian National Museum to execute the project activities. The exhibition “Let my sheep walk far and wide” gives a short overview of the pastoral landscapes of the countries participating in the CANEPAL project. It is based on the surveys and materials collected in the course of the CANEPAL project. The members of the exhibition team are Pille Tomson, Simon Bell, Kadri Kask, Maaria Semm, Henri Järv from the Estonian University of Life Sciences. The exhibition stands was designed by Aare Puus. Printed in Salibar OY. Pictures drawn by Epp Margna.
lammas, lambakasvatus, kultuurmaastikud, Eesti, Euroopa, näitusekataloogid