Vändra valla teedevõrk ja juurdepääs maaomandile
dc.contributor.advisor | Maasikamäe, Siim | |
dc.contributor.author | Merirand, Merilin | |
dc.contributor.department | Geomaatik | et |
dc.date.accessioned | 2017-05-24T12:03:16Z | |
dc.date.available | 2017-05-24T12:03:16Z | |
dc.date.defensed | 2017-05-29 | |
dc.date.issued | 2017 | |
dc.description | Bakalaureusetöö Geodeesia, maakorraldus ja kinnisvara planeerimise õppekaval | et |
dc.description.abstract | Teedevõrgustikul on väga oluline osa kinnisvarale juurdepääsu tagamisel ja väärtuse loomisel. Maakorraldusseadus näeb ette, et juba katastriüksuse moodustamisel tuleb vältida olukorda, kus maaomandil puudub juurdepääs avaliku teele. Vaatamata sellele on hulgaliselt juurdepääsuteedega seotud probleeme. Juurepääsuprobleemid maaomandile on tingitud mitmetest teguritest. Probleemid on enamasti tekkinud maareformi ning ka hilisemate mõõdistamiste tagajärjel. Maareformi tulemusena maa tagastamisel või erastamisel on tekkinud olukord, kus omanikul puudub juurdepääs oma kinnistule ning ta peab kasutama selleks naaberkinnistut. Juurdepääsu vaidlused tekivad peamiselt naabrite vahel. Tihti on tekkinud selline situatsioon, kus maaomanik tahab koju minna, kuid tema tee jookseb üle naabri krundi ning naaberkrundi omanik on sulgenud tee mingi tõkke või eratee märgiga. Selliste olukordade vältimiseks on vajalik tee servituudi olemasolu. Servituudi seadmine põhjustab tavaliselt vaidlusi naabrite vahel, kuna selle seadmiseks on vajalik osapoolte vaheline kokkulepe. Väiksemate maakonfliktide kõige kiirem lahendamisviis on teha seda kohalikul tasandil osapooltele sobivate kokkulepete sõlmimisega, kuid siiski mitmed kinnistule juurdepääsu vaidlused on jõudnud ka kohtusse. Kohtulahenditest selgub, et juurdepääsu määramisel tuleb arvestada koormatava kinnisasja omaniku huve. Samas kaalub kohus mõlema omaniku huve ning selgitab välja, kelle huvi on ülekaalukam. Arvestada tuleb ka seda, kas omanikul on võimalus saada juurdepääs oma kinnistule mujalt kui võõralt kinnistult. Töös selgitati välja Vändra vallas olevate probleemsete ning mitteprobleemsete teede arv ning pikkus kilomeetrites. Vändra vallas on probleemsete teede arv 1087 (33%) ning mitteprobleemsete teede arv 3235 (67%); pikkuselt on probleemseid teid 357,65 km (25%) ja mitteprobleemseid 721,95 km (75%). Kõige enam probleeme on teedega, mis läbivad mitut katastriüksust. Seal võivad tekkida naabrite vahel vaidlused teede kohta, mis läbivad naaberkinnistut. | et |
dc.description.abstract | The road network is a very important part of the real estate of access and value creation. Land Consolidation Act provides that, for the formation of a cadastral, a situation where ownership of land has no access to a public road must be avoided. Despite there are several problems associated with the access to the roads. Access to land ownership problems are due to several factors. Problems have arisen mainly as a result of the land reform and later as a result of surveying. After the land reform, land restitution or privatization has led to a situation where the owners have no access to their own property, and they have to operate in neighbouring properties. Access disputes arise primarily between neighbours. Often, such a situation has arisen in which the landowner wants to go home, but the road runs over the neighbour's land and neighbouring landowner has closed the road with the barrier or a private road sign. To avoid such situations it is necessary to set a servitude for the road. Setting servitude usually leads to disputes between neighbours, since it is necessary to set the arrangement between the parties. The fastest way of handling smaller land conflicts is to make appropriate agreements with local partners, however, access to numerous real estate disputes have ended up in court. From judicial decisions, it concludes that in determining the access also servicing landowner’s interests should be considered. However, the court will consider the interests of both owners and find out whose interests are over. It should also be considered whether the owner has the opportunity to gain access to his own property from elsewhere than from the neighbour’s property. The work identified the number and the length in kilometres of problematic and nonproblematic roads in Vändra municipality. Vändra municipality has 1087 (33%) problematic roads and 3235 (67%) non-problematic roads, the length of problematic roads is 357.65 km (25%) and non-problematic 721.95 km (75%). The most common problems are connected with the roads which pass through more than one cadastral. There may be disputes between neighbours on the roads that pass through the neighbour's property. | en |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/10492/3290 | |
dc.publisher | Eesti Maaülikool | |
dc.subject | bakalaureusetööd | et |
dc.subject | erateed | et |
dc.subject | maareformid | et |
dc.subject | maakonfliktid | et |
dc.subject | kohtulahendid | et |
dc.title | Vändra valla teedevõrk ja juurdepääs maaomandile | et |
dc.title.alternative | Road Network and Access to Property in Vändra Municipality | en |
dc.type | Bachelor Thesis |
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