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3D printeri Creality CR-10 5s printimiskvaliteedi parendamine

dc.contributor.advisorSoots, Kaarel
dc.contributor.authorMaasing, Kevin
dc.descriptionRakenduskõrgharidusõppe lõputöö Tehnotroonika õppekavalest
dc.description.abstractNüüdisajal on populaarsust kogunud 3D printimine, sest on andnud kodukasutajatele võimaluse toota odavalt väiksemaid detaile. Antud tehnoloogia on võetud ka tööstuslikku kasutusse, kus rakendatakse suuremaid 3D printereid. Suuremate printeritega esinevad teatud väljakutsed, mis langetavad printimiskvaliteeti. Lõputöö eesmärgiks 3D printeri Creality CR-10 5s printimiskvaliteedi parendamine. Selleks tehakse selgeks 3D printimise tehnoloogia ja põhimõtteid. Käesolevas töös tuuakse esile printimise probleeme ja võimalike lahendusi. Konstrueeritakse lisa etteandemehhanism olemasoleva 3D printer kere seina külge. Etteandemehhanismi modelleerimiseks kasutatakse tarkvara Solidworks (2019) ning printimiseks kasutatakse viilutamistarkvara Simplify3D. Enamus detailid on modelleeritud selliselt, mis võimaldaks neid 3D printida. 3D prinditud detaile on võimalik lihtsalt ning kiiresti toota ning teeb prototüüpimise mugavamaks. Konstruktsiooni jaoks on lisatud juurde alalisvoolumootor, mis aitab kaasa filamendi edasi andmisele ning 3D printeri filamendi etteandmismootor ei pea iseseisvalt filamenti tõmbama. Lisaks koostati valmis etteandemehhanismi elektriskeem, see koosneb kahest releest, kahest lõpplülitist, pingemuundurist ja mootorist. Vajutades ühe lüliti hooba hakkab mootori võll pöörlema senikaua kuni vajutatakse teist lülitit. Valmistatud etteandemehhanismi printimise kvaliteedi efektiivsuse analüüsimiseks prinditi Creality CR-10 5s 3D printeriga katsekehi. Kvaliteedi efektiivsuse analüüsimiseks prinditi Creality CR-10 5s 3D printeriga katsekehi. Ilma lisaseadet kasutamata võrreldakse prinditud katsekehade kvaliteeti lisa etteandemehhanismiga printimisel. Katsekehade analüüsimise käigus selgus, et lisa etteandemehhanism on parendanud printimiskvaliteeti, kuid ei ole teinud seda iga printimise korral. Konstruktsiooni ehitamise käigus tuli välja, et osad mõõdud sai valesti pandud, mistõttu mudelid modelleeriti ümber ning prinditi uued detailid, mis oleksid vastupidavamad pingetele. Antud etteandemehhanism ei ole valmis toode, vaid prototüüp, selle toote arendust kui ka väljatöötamist on võimalik edasi arendada. Tehes rohkem katseid on võimalik uurida etteandemehhanismi probleemseid kohti ning neid parendada.est
dc.description.abstract3D printing has become more popular due to entry-level users having the opportunity to produce smaller details cheaply. Moreover 3D printing technology has also been introduced for industrial use, using larger 3D printers. Bigger printers have certain challenges that may lower print quality. The aim of the dissertation is to improve the print quality of the Creality CR-10 5s 3D printer that has a larger work area. For that purpose technology and principles of 3D printing are clarified. The author highlights printing problems and their possible solutions. An additional feed mechanism is constructed to the wall of the existing 3D printer body. Modeling software Solidworks (2019) is used to create the model of the feed mechanism and Simplify3D slicing software is used for 3D printing. Most parts in the feed mechanism are modelled so to allow them to be 3D printed. 3D printed parts can be produced easily and quickly, making prototyping more convenient. DC motor is added to the design to assist in passing the filament so the filament feed stepper motor of the 3D printer does not have to pull the filament independently. In addition, an electrical wiring diagram of the filament feed mechanism was prepared, consisting of two relays, two limit switches, a voltage converter and a motor. When one lever is pressed, the motor shaft begins to rotate until the other switch is pressed. To analyze the print quality of the new feed mechanism test pieces were printed pressed. To analyze the print quality of the new feed mechanism test pieces were printed using the Creality CR-10 5s 3D printer. The quality of the printed test pieces are compared with and without using the added feed mechanism. Analysis of the test specimens revealed that the additional feed mechanism has improved the print quality, but has not done so for each print. During the construction of the feed mechanism, it turned out that some of the dimensions had been set incorrectly, so the models were redesigned and new details were printed that would be more resistant to stress. This feed mechanism is not a finished product, but a prototype. The feed mechanism can be further developed and by performing more experiments, it is possible to investigate the errors in the feed mechanism and correct them.eng
dc.publisherEesti Maaülikool
dc.title3D printeri Creality CR-10 5s printimiskvaliteedi parendamineest
dc.title.alternativeImproving the print quality of the 3D printer Creality CR-10 5seng
dc.typeBachelor Thesiseng


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