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Efficiency of the use of field beans in fattening lambs




Kättesaadav alates

Ajakirja pealkiri

Ajakirja ISSN

Köite pealkiri



The breeding and feeding of self produced pulses to livestock is one of the important directions of research for reducing the production costs of livestock products. Experiment on the effective using of the field beans to lambs for fattening was arranged in three replications using the Latvian Da rk - headed breed male lambs. The mixture of concentrated feed consisted of 50% of bean and 50% of oat. Lambs were weighed at the starting and ending of the trial. Carcass quality was assessed according to the European standard for the classification of carc asses of sheep. The fattening period lasted from 37 to 94 days, on average 63 ± 3.6 days. The average live weight gain per day was 247.4 ± 13.85 g, and live weight increased on average by 15.3 ± 0.94 kg. Significantly higher ( P < 0.05) growth rate during fattening period reached lambs of 3rd group, where lambs started fattening above 27 kg of live weight, reaching a 276.8 ± 26.26 g daily live weight gain. The quality of the obtained carcasses was an average, and score for musculatu re was from R to O class, but the average score for fat deposition was from 3 to 4 points. The mixture of field beans and oats provided 19.3% of crude protein and 12.1 MJ of metabolizable energy per 1kg of dry matter, and its unlimited feeding provided med ium lamb's growth rate. The level of feed conversion was 7.56 kg of dry matter .




beans, lamb, fattening, slaughter, carcass, articles

