Ringmajanduse põhimõtete rakendamine ning selle tehnilised, sotsiaalsed ja majanduslikud väljavaated Eesti ehitussektoris
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Luiga, Sigrid
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Eesti Maaülikool
Jätkusuutlikku arengut ja keskkonnahoidu puudutavate teemade olulisuse tõus on viimastel aastatel suurendanud poliitilist survet laiemate muudatuste tegemiseks majandusmudelites ja seadusandluses. Euroopa Liidu liikmesriigina on ka Eesti võtnud kohustuse ringimajanduse majandusmudelile üleminekuks. Tulevikustrateegiates seatud eesmärgid on jõudmas erinevate valdkondade igapäevaellu ning mõjutavad erivaldkondade tulevikuplaane ja -strateegiaid. Ehitussektor toodab ligikaudu kolmandiku maailma prügist. Seega on ringmajanduses oluline roll just ehitussektoril, kus tuleb lahendada mitmeid ressursikasutust puudutavateid küsimusi nagu jäätmetekke piiramine, taaskasutuse osakaalu suurendamine ja ka kahjulike keskkonnamõjude vähendamine.
Käesoleva töö eesmärgiks oli hinnata Eesti ehitussektori valmisolekut ringmajandusemudeliga kaasnevate eesmärkide saavutamiseks. Töö põhieesmärk oli ettevõttesisestele protseduuridele, ringmajanduslikele ilmingutele ning teemaga haakuvatele sotsiaalsetele ja tehnilistele elementidele analüüs. Uuringu käigus viidi läbi intervjuud ehitustöödega kokku puutuvate isikutega, töö mille käigus kaardistati kriitilisemad kitsaskohad. Saadud teabe põhjal viidi läbi analüüs, mille põhjal anti soovitused edasiste tegevuste planeerimiseks.
Töö käigus selgus, et kuigi inimesed peavad jätkusuutlikkust ja keskkonnahoidu oluliseks, tuleb ringmajanduse mõiste tutvustamiseks teha täiendavat teavitustööd. Tulemustest selgus, et kuigi Eesti ehitusvaldkonnas esineb ringmajanduslikke ilminguid, on valdavalt tegu siiski isetekkeliste protsessidega. Mõningal määral esineb juba teadlikku ringmajanduslikku käitumist, kuid hetkel puudub seadusandlik raamistik antud tegevuste ja ressursside planeerimiseks. Lisaks selgus uuringust, et ehitusobjektide materjalikasutuse tõhusust pärsivad ebamäärased seadused ja nõuded, vähene kontroll ja mõõdetavus, ringmajandust toetava riikliku süsteemi puudumine, ettevõttesiseste ressursside ja motivatsiooni nappus ning majanduslikult veenvate argumentide puudumine.
The growing importance of sustainable development and environmental issues has in recent years increased political pressure for broader changes in economic models and legislation. As a member of the European Union, Estonia is also taking steps to move towards circular economy model. Changes resulting from the trajectory of future strategies are entering the everyday life of various fields and have a significant impact on planning ahead. The construction sector, which produces about a third of the world's waste, faces a number of resource use issues, the most critical of which are limiting waste generation, increasing the share of recovery and reducing adverse environmental impacts. The aim of the thesis was to assess the readiness of the Estonian construction sector to adapt to the innovations accompanying the circular economy model. The thesis focused on the analysis of internal company procedures, circular economic phenomena and related social and technical elements. For this, interviews were conducted with people involved in construction work. The most critical issues were mapped during the work, which were analyzed for making recommendations in planning further activities in the construction sector. The work indicated that although people consider sustainability and environmental protection to be important, the introduction of the circular economy concept needs further introduction. The interviews indicated that although circular economic phenomena exists in the Estonian construction sector, these are mostly spontaneous processes. Targeted circular economic behavior already exists to some extent, but there is currently no legislative framework for planning activities and resources. Additionally, the study revealed that the materials efficiency on construction sites is hampered by vague laws and requirements, lack of control and measurability, lack of a state system to support circular economy, absence of internal resources and motivation, and shortage of economically convincing arguments.
The growing importance of sustainable development and environmental issues has in recent years increased political pressure for broader changes in economic models and legislation. As a member of the European Union, Estonia is also taking steps to move towards circular economy model. Changes resulting from the trajectory of future strategies are entering the everyday life of various fields and have a significant impact on planning ahead. The construction sector, which produces about a third of the world's waste, faces a number of resource use issues, the most critical of which are limiting waste generation, increasing the share of recovery and reducing adverse environmental impacts. The aim of the thesis was to assess the readiness of the Estonian construction sector to adapt to the innovations accompanying the circular economy model. The thesis focused on the analysis of internal company procedures, circular economic phenomena and related social and technical elements. For this, interviews were conducted with people involved in construction work. The most critical issues were mapped during the work, which were analyzed for making recommendations in planning further activities in the construction sector. The work indicated that although people consider sustainability and environmental protection to be important, the introduction of the circular economy concept needs further introduction. The interviews indicated that although circular economic phenomena exists in the Estonian construction sector, these are mostly spontaneous processes. Targeted circular economic behavior already exists to some extent, but there is currently no legislative framework for planning activities and resources. Additionally, the study revealed that the materials efficiency on construction sites is hampered by vague laws and requirements, lack of control and measurability, lack of a state system to support circular economy, absence of internal resources and motivation, and shortage of economically convincing arguments.
Ehitusinseneriõppe lõputöö
Maaehituse õppekaval
magistritööd, ringmajandus, ehitusjäätmed, ehitussektor, Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid), ehitusmaterjalid, looduslikud materjalid, ökomajad, säästev tehnoloogia