Aktiivsete ja passiivsete maavarade varu Viljandi maakonnas
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Rimmel, Tiina
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Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on anda ülevaade Viljandi maakonna aktiivsetest ja
passiivsetest maavaravarudest ja nende muutustest aastail 2008-2012.
Töö on koostatud peamiselt Maa-ameti poolt välja antud Eesti Vabariigi maavaravarude
koondbilansi ja keskkonnaregistri maardlate kaardirakenduse andmete põhjal.
Viljandimaa ei ole maavarade poolest rikas, siin on 57 kohaliku tähtsusega maardlat.
Kaevandatakse turvast (vähelagunenud ja hästilagunenud turvast), liiva (ehitus- ja täiteliiva)
ja ehituskruusa. Järvemuda põlluväetiseks (kaasnev maavara), dolokivi ja keraamilist savi ei
Suuremad muutused maavaravarude koondbilansis on tingitud uute maardlate
keskkonnaregistrisse kandmisest, olemasolevate varude ümberhindamisest ja täiendavate
varude kinnitamisest. Kaevandamisest põhjustatud muutused on sekundaarsed. Aastail 2008-
2012 järvemuda põlluväetiseks, ehitusdolokivi ja keraamilise savi varudes muutusi ei olnud.
Turba aktiivsed varud hinnati osaliselt ümber passiivseteks varudeks. Liiva aktiivset varu
ümber hinnati suuremaks, passiivse varu muutus oli minimaalne.
The aim of this Bachelor’s thesis is to give an overview of the active and passive stock of mineral resources in Viljandi County and their changes between 2008 and 2012. The study mainly uses data from the balance of mineral resources issued by the Estonian Land Board and from the Environmental Register Map Application of Mineral Deposits. Viljandi County does not have abundant mineral resources; there are 57 mineral deposits of local importance. Mined resources include peat (decayed and poorly humified peat), sand (construction and filling sand) and construction gravel. Sapropel, dolostone and ceramic clay are not mined. The greatest changes in the balance of mineral resources have been caused by entry of new mineral deposits in the Environmental Register, reassessment of already existing stock of mineral resources and verification of additional resources. The changes caused by mining are secondary. There were no changes in the stock of sapropel, construction dolostone and ceramic clay in 2008-2012. The active stock of peat was partly reassessed to passive stock. The active stock of sand was reassessed to being larger, whereas changes in the passive stock were minimal.
The aim of this Bachelor’s thesis is to give an overview of the active and passive stock of mineral resources in Viljandi County and their changes between 2008 and 2012. The study mainly uses data from the balance of mineral resources issued by the Estonian Land Board and from the Environmental Register Map Application of Mineral Deposits. Viljandi County does not have abundant mineral resources; there are 57 mineral deposits of local importance. Mined resources include peat (decayed and poorly humified peat), sand (construction and filling sand) and construction gravel. Sapropel, dolostone and ceramic clay are not mined. The greatest changes in the balance of mineral resources have been caused by entry of new mineral deposits in the Environmental Register, reassessment of already existing stock of mineral resources and verification of additional resources. The changes caused by mining are secondary. There were no changes in the stock of sapropel, construction dolostone and ceramic clay in 2008-2012. The active stock of peat was partly reassessed to passive stock. The active stock of sand was reassessed to being larger, whereas changes in the passive stock were minimal.
maavarad, Viljandimaa, maavaravaru, bakalaureusetööd