Elektrienergia salvestamine ja ostu-müügi kasumlikkus eramus
Kättesaadav alates
Andritski, Andrus
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Eesti Maaülikool
Elektrienergia salvestamisel on suur roll taastuvenergiaallikate kasutamisel. Taastuvenergiaallikad nagu päikesepargid ja tuulepargid muundavad energiat elektrienergiaks sobivatel meteoroloogilistel tingimustel, mille tõttu on parkide tootlus vahelduv ja raskesti prognoositav. Elektrienergia salvestite olemasolu ja töö võrgus balansseerib elektribörsi tipu- ja miinimumhindasid keskmise suunas. Elektrienergia börsihind kujuneb nõudluse ja pakkumise suhtena. Töö eesmärk on analüüsida 2023. aasta elektrienergia börsihindasid, märkida igas ööpäevas tunnid mil elektrienergia hind soosib arbitraaži eesmärgil elektrienergia salvestamist ja võrgusuunalist tühjendamist ja luua mudel hinnamuutuste kasutamiseks, võrrelda kulusid ja tulusid, analüüsida ja hinnata kas selline süsteem on majanduslikult tasuvust. Eesmärgi täitmisel kirjeldati kaasnevat tehnoloogiat ja arvestati võimalike lisakuludega. Analüüsi teel leiti, et energia salvestamine ostu-müügi eesmärgil ei ole kasumlik ja tasuvusaeg ületab süsteemi eluea. Energia salvestamine toimub talvekuudel öösiti ja suvekuudel päeval, millal elektrienergia hind minimaalne. Edasistes uuringutes soovin tähelepanu pöörata liitiumioon akude hinna langustrendile, salvestamisele öösiti ja energia salvestamist taastuvenergiaallikatelt.
Electrical energy storage plays an essential role in using renewable energy sources. Such sources like solar parks and wind parks largely depend on suitable meteorological conditions to convert solar and wind energy to electrical energy. Reliance on such conditions makes it difficult to forecast the yield of such energy sources. The presence and the work of energy storage devices balance electricity prices towards the average. Energy price is based on the demand and supply of electrical energy. The goal of the thesis is to analyse 2023. electrical energy price, find suitable hours for storing and selling electrical energy, and create a model for exploiting the price differences, comparing the costs and profits and analysing if energy arbitrage in a residential building is profitable. Analysis showed that energy arbitrage is not profitable, and the payback period of such a system exceeds the life span of the energy storage device. Electrical energy prices are lowest during the day in the summer and the lowest during the night in the winter, which affects the energy consumption tax. Future research focuses on the downward trend of lithium-ion battery prices, storing energy during the night to minimise energy consumption tax costs and storing energy directly from renewable energy sources.
Electrical energy storage plays an essential role in using renewable energy sources. Such sources like solar parks and wind parks largely depend on suitable meteorological conditions to convert solar and wind energy to electrical energy. Reliance on such conditions makes it difficult to forecast the yield of such energy sources. The presence and the work of energy storage devices balance electricity prices towards the average. Energy price is based on the demand and supply of electrical energy. The goal of the thesis is to analyse 2023. electrical energy price, find suitable hours for storing and selling electrical energy, and create a model for exploiting the price differences, comparing the costs and profits and analysing if energy arbitrage in a residential building is profitable. Analysis showed that energy arbitrage is not profitable, and the payback period of such a system exceeds the life span of the energy storage device. Electrical energy prices are lowest during the day in the summer and the lowest during the night in the winter, which affects the energy consumption tax. Future research focuses on the downward trend of lithium-ion battery prices, storing energy during the night to minimise energy consumption tax costs and storing energy directly from renewable energy sources.
Tehnika ja tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, energia salvestamine, elektribörs, elektrienergia arbitraaž, liitiumioon aku, inverter, mikrotootja