Maa korralise hindamise süsteemi edasiarendamine Eestis lähiriikide näitel
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Eesti Maaülikool
Masshindamine on protsess, mis Eestis on toimunud ebaregulaarselt ning viimati toimus
see 18 aastat tagasi. Selle aja jooksul on maa turuväärtus muutunud ning hindamise
läbiviimise protsess aegunud. Ülemaailmselt kasutatakse kaasaegseid lähenemisi
turuväärtuse ajakohasena hoidmiseks nagu näiteks automatiseeritud hindamismudelid
(AVM). AVM-e on varasemalt palju uuritud juhtumuuringutena, mille eesmärgiks on
olnud parima kalibreerimismeetodi väljaselgitamine teatud piirkonnas. Samuti on
masshindamist üldiselt uuritud, ka riikideüleselt, kuid neis pole käsitletud konkreetselt
AVM-i, kehtiva süsteemiga rahulolu ja tagasisidet.
Magistritöö eesmärgiks on maa korraliseks hindamiseks CAMA ja AVM-i sobivuse välja
selgitamine Eestile lähiriikide näitel. Töö eesmärgi täitmiseks viidi läbi küsitlus lähiriikide
ülikoolides ja riiklikes asutustes tegutsevate spetsialistide seas. Küsitluses osales kolm
riiki: Läti, Rootsi ja Soome. Lisaks intervjueeriti kolme Eesti hindamiseksperti, et saada
informatsiooni Eesti maa korralise hindamise kogemustest ning tulevikusuundadest.
Töö empiirilises osas selgus, et olenemata olemasolevatest standarditest on
masshindamise süsteemid omanäolised ning kohaldatud vastavalt riigi võimalustele ja
vajadustele. AVM-i rakendavad riigid tõid välja sarnased eelised ja puudused, millele
tuginedes ilmnes, et AVM on sobiv lahendus ka Eestile. Näiteks Eestis toetab AVM-i
rakendamist erinevate vajalike infosüsteemide olemasolu (nt maakataster,
kinnistusraamat, rahvastikuregister) ja nende koondatus MAKIS-esse. Samas peamiseks
takistuseks on poliitiline tahtmatus. AVM-i peamiseks eeliseks Eesti jaoks on hindamise
regulaarsuse võimalus ning puuduseks paljude tehinguandmete vajadus, mis Eestis on
piirkonniti puudulik.
Masshindamine liigub suunas, kus rakendatakse järjest enam AVM-i ning on alust arvata,
et see tuleb kasutusele ka Eestis. Seetõttu võiks Eesti kontekstis edaspidi uurida, millised
kalibreerimismeetodid on sobilikud erinevates piirkondades. Lisaks on võimalikuks
uurimisteemaks ka kohalike omavalitsuste valmisolek AVM-iks, arvestades, et süsteemi
väljastatud tulemusi tuleb kodanikele pädeva isiku poolt selgitada.
Mass appraisal in Estonia has been an irregular process. The last time it was carried out was 18 years ago. In that time land market value has changed and the valuation process has outdated. Contemporary approaches for mass valuation like automated valuation model (AVM) are being used worldwide. AVMs have been researched extensively as case studies, aimed at identifying the best calibration method in particular area. Mass appraisal has been studied before but these studies have not specifically included AVMs or the feedback about the current system. The aim of this master’s thesis is to determine computer- assisted mass appraisal (CAMA) and AVM’s suitability for Estonia based on the experience of neighboring countries. A questionnaire and three interviews were carried out among selected countries and Estonian real estate experts to fulfill the goal of the thesis. The results showed that mass appraisal systems differ across countries and are designed based on the capabilities and needs of a country. AVM users mentioned the same advantages and disadvantages, which implied that AVM is a suitable solution for Estonia aswell. There are many different necessary information systems in Estonia to implement AVM. The main obstacle in Estonia is political unwillingness. One of the advantages is the opportunity for regular land mass appraisal and the main disadvantage is the need for sufficient input data that Estonia does not have evenly across the whole country. Mass appraisal is moving towards using AVM even more. It is likely that AVM is going to be implemented in Estonia aswell. Therefore, in the future, it should be studied which calibration model is suitable for different areas in Estonia and the preparedness of local governments.
Mass appraisal in Estonia has been an irregular process. The last time it was carried out was 18 years ago. In that time land market value has changed and the valuation process has outdated. Contemporary approaches for mass valuation like automated valuation model (AVM) are being used worldwide. AVMs have been researched extensively as case studies, aimed at identifying the best calibration method in particular area. Mass appraisal has been studied before but these studies have not specifically included AVMs or the feedback about the current system. The aim of this master’s thesis is to determine computer- assisted mass appraisal (CAMA) and AVM’s suitability for Estonia based on the experience of neighboring countries. A questionnaire and three interviews were carried out among selected countries and Estonian real estate experts to fulfill the goal of the thesis. The results showed that mass appraisal systems differ across countries and are designed based on the capabilities and needs of a country. AVM users mentioned the same advantages and disadvantages, which implied that AVM is a suitable solution for Estonia aswell. There are many different necessary information systems in Estonia to implement AVM. The main obstacle in Estonia is political unwillingness. One of the advantages is the opportunity for regular land mass appraisal and the main disadvantage is the need for sufficient input data that Estonia does not have evenly across the whole country. Mass appraisal is moving towards using AVM even more. It is likely that AVM is going to be implemented in Estonia aswell. Therefore, in the future, it should be studied which calibration model is suitable for different areas in Estonia and the preparedness of local governments.
Geodeesia ja maakorralduse õppekaval
magistritööd, masshindamine, kinnisvara hindamine