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Sustainable urban drainage systems : stormwater management techniques suitable for Estonian climate conditions




Kättesaadav alates

Ajakirja pealkiri

Ajakirja ISSN

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Viimsi Municipality together with partners from the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department and the NGO Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia is investigating and testing different sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) under the LIFE UrbanStorm project. The aim of the project is to raise awareness and be prepared for the increase in precipitation and the frequency of torrential rains due to climate change. Project activities include study trips to other countries, compilation and analysis of information on sustainable urban drainage systems, testing of selected solutions in demonstration areas of Viimsi Municipality, trainings, seminars and various information activities. The brochure has been compiled based on information obtained from study tours to Copenhagen, Malmö and Helsinki as well as literature sources and draws on the experience and knowledge of researchers of Estonian University of Life Sciences. The brochure briefly details the causes of stormwater problems in urban areas, introduces sustainable urban drainage systems and their benefits as well as gives an overview on sustainable stormwater management techniques suitable for Estonian conditions. Stormwater problems affect almost all Estonian municipalities. That is why the LIFE UrbanStorm team wants to share the information and experience acquired during the project with all interested parties. You are welcome to visit the website of the project, where you can find all information materials produced during the project as well as information on established SUDS in pilot areas, trainings and other project activities:



storm water, sustainable urban drainage systems, climate change, wastewater facilities, technological innovations, runoff, sustainable development, Estonia

