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Lühiartikkel: PGF2α ja parenteraalselt manustatava tseftofuuri kasutamine poegimisjärgsete emakapõletike ravis lüpsilehmadel




Kättesaadav alates


Jeremejeva, Julia
Orro, Toomas
Kask, Kalle

Ajakirja pealkiri

Ajakirja ISSN

Köite pealkiri


Estonian Academic Agricultural Society


Present study was designed to get additional knowledge about treatment of postpartum (PP) clinical metritis (CM) and clinical endometritis (CE), using combination of systemic antibiotics with administration of prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α), to determine the optimal time of treatment, to study effect of this treatment on clinical, physiological and fertility parameters. Late pregnant dairy cows with diagnosed CM and CE were divided to the experimental and positive control groups and negative control groups were composed of healthy cows. Measurements of body temperature, examination of general health status and vaginal discharge, bacteriological and cytological examinations, determination of plasma or milk progesterone, measuring of acute phase proteins and data of fertility parameters were used for evaluation of treatment success. Using of combination of systemic administrations of ceftiofur with two injections of PGF2α at intervals of 8 h was compared with using of combination of intramuscular administration of ceftiofur with flunixin. Treatment of CE using systemic administrations of ceftiofur with two injections of PGF2α with an interval of 8 h in the early PP (5–10 day after calving) was compared with treatment in the late PP (30–35 day PP). The findings of the present study indicate that treatment of CM and CE using flunixin in addition to parenteral antibiotic did not improve clinical cure, inflammatory parameters or elimination of bacteria from the uterus. Regardless of more severe inflammation that was detected in animals from the group treated by parenteral administration of antibiotic with PGF2α they showed the same fertility parameters as healthy animals. Results of this study suggests that treatment of CE in the early PP period, using systemic administration of ceftiofur with two injections of PGF2α at an interval of 8 h, could be more preferable to using the same treatment in the late PP.


Saabunud / Received 09.06.17 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 19.06.17 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 20.06.17 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Julia Jeremejeva ;


endometritis, metritis, treatment, postpartum, PGF2, ceftiofur, articles

