Agroecological prospects of using corn hybrids for biogas production
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Ukraine is an agricultural country with great agricultural potential for biogas
production, which is the key to fertile soils and favorable climatic conditions for energy crops,
including corn. The article analyzes the experience of using biogas in Ukraine and the world, its
mechanism of production. The leader in biogas production in the world is the European Union in
general and Germany in particular. The total number of biogas plants in Europe exceeds 11
thousand, of which 7.2 thousand in Germany. Іnstalled biogas, which is released in the process
of complex fermentation of organic waste, consists of a mixture of gases: methane – 55–75%,
carbon dioxide – 23–33%, hydrogen sulfide – 7%. An important sector of renewable energy
sources in biogas production is presented and the prospects for its use are determined. The energy
dependence of our country on the volumes of imported natural gas is analyzed. The main aspects
of biogas production are explored using renewable energy sources that are inexhaustible in our
crane and the phased operation of the biogas plant is investigated. The real advantages of the need
for biogas production and use in our country are outlined. Problems aimed at the development of
alternative energy have been proved in order to detect environmental pollution. It has been
established that in Ukraine the use of corn silage to improve the efficiency of biogas production
at existing biogas stations has not been used so far. The problems of increasing the yield of corn
plants have been proved not only by breeding and genetic methods, but also by cultivation
biogas, corn, renewable energy, the intensification of production, pollution, articles