Meekärje pressimismasina projekt
Kättesaadav alates
Sarap, Henri
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
Eesti Maaülikool
Mesilased on putukad, keda peetakse eesmärgiga saada mett ja teisi mesilaste tehtud
saadusi. Töös on toodud välja mesinduses kasutatud mee meekärjest eraldamise
tehnoloogiad nagu meevurrid ja meepressid. Suurema viskoossusega mee puhul hakkavad
meevurrid meekärge lõhkuma, meepresside kasutamiseks on vaja eraldada meekärg
kärjeraamist enne pressimist. Töö eesmärgiks on valmistada meekärje pressimismasina
projekt. Projekti aluseks on võetud meevurridel ja- pressidel leiduvate puuduste
parandamine. Autor on töös pakkunud pressimismasina erinevatele sõlmedele mitmeid
lahendusettepanekuid ning neid hinnates valinud parima variandi antud masinale. Töö
tulemuseks on valminud meekärje pressimismasina projekt, mis võimaldab pressida
suurema viskoossusega mett ilma, et oleks vaja meekärg kärjeraamist eraldada. Projekt on
piisav alus, mille põhjal oleks võimalik valmistada pressimismasina prototüüp.
Bees are bugs who are kept for the purpose of getting mainly honey and other products that bees produce. This thesis brings out technologies used to extract honey from the honeycomb, such as honey extractors and honey presses. Problems with the honey extractors start when the honey’s viscosity is higher and with all honey presses the honeycomb needs to be removed from the frame before pressing. The main purpose of the thesis was to create a project for honeycomb pressing machine. Problems with honey extractors and honey presses are the basis of the project. The author has given many ideas for different parts of the machine while also evaluating the ideas to find the most suitable for the machine. As a result, a project for a honeycomb pressing machine is completed that can be used to extract honey with a higher viscosity. The project is complete enough to be the basis for the first prototype.
Bees are bugs who are kept for the purpose of getting mainly honey and other products that bees produce. This thesis brings out technologies used to extract honey from the honeycomb, such as honey extractors and honey presses. Problems with the honey extractors start when the honey’s viscosity is higher and with all honey presses the honeycomb needs to be removed from the frame before pressing. The main purpose of the thesis was to create a project for honeycomb pressing machine. Problems with honey extractors and honey presses are the basis of the project. The author has given many ideas for different parts of the machine while also evaluating the ideas to find the most suitable for the machine. As a result, a project for a honeycomb pressing machine is completed that can be used to extract honey with a higher viscosity. The project is complete enough to be the basis for the first prototype.
Tehnika ja tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, projekteerimine, pneumaatika, mesindus