Halumasina Palax 600 Combi tootlikkuse ja tööaja võrdlemine erinevate halupikkuste korral
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Võlu, Madis
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Käesolevas töös on uuritud halumasina Palax 600 Combi tootlikkust ja tööaega ning selle sõltuvust erinevate halupikkuste valmistamisel. Autor annab ülevaate halumasina üldisest ehitusest; uurib, millised protsessid halumasinaga töötamisel võtavad enim aega erinevate halupikkuste korral; analüüsib saadud andmeid ning tutvustab erinevaid abivahendeid, mis on potentsiaalseteks vahenditeks tootlikkuse suurendamiseks. Lisaks on autori poolt saadud uurimistulemusi võrreldud ka Soomes (Kärha, Jouhiaho 2009) tehtud samalaadse uurimusega.
Töö on valminud autori tehtud katsete ning andmete analüüsi põhjal. Antud teemavaldkonda on Eestis suhteliselt vähe uuritud ning materjal on raskesti kättesaadav. Tööst võivad kasu saada nii eraisikud kui ka ettevõtjad, kes tegelevad küttepuude tootmisega.
This study is based on the Palax 600 Combi firewood processor. It focuses on the productivity, work time and their dependance on different firewood length. The author gives an overview of the construction of the machine; studies which processes take the most time while working; analyzes the collected data and introduces different firewood processor accessories which have the potential to incease the machine's productivity. Additionally, the results of the study are compared to similar studies carried out in Finland (Kärha, Jouhiaho 2009). The study uses data collected by the author through tests and analysis. The given subject is not thoroughly studied in Estonia and information on it is scarce. The study can benefit private users as well as entrepreneurs in firewood production.
This study is based on the Palax 600 Combi firewood processor. It focuses on the productivity, work time and their dependance on different firewood length. The author gives an overview of the construction of the machine; studies which processes take the most time while working; analyzes the collected data and introduces different firewood processor accessories which have the potential to incease the machine's productivity. Additionally, the results of the study are compared to similar studies carried out in Finland (Kärha, Jouhiaho 2009). The study uses data collected by the author through tests and analysis. The given subject is not thoroughly studied in Estonia and information on it is scarce. The study can benefit private users as well as entrepreneurs in firewood production.
halumasin, küttepuit, Palax, bakalaureusetööd