3D-printeri töölaua arendus
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Eesti Maaülikool
Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks on projekteerida kaughaldusega juhitav lisaseade 3Dprinditud
detaili eemaldamiseks 3D-printeri töölaualt. Vajadus lisaseadme tarbeks tulenes
autori isiklikest kogemustest. Detaili valmimisel tuleb 3D-printeri opertaatoril sekkuda ja
töölaualt valminud objekt manuaalselt eemaldada. Käesolevas lõputöös projekteeritud
lisaseademe tähtsamad komponendid on juhtarvuti, 3D-prinditavad kronsteinid,
elektrimootor ja polüvinüülkloriid transportöörlint. Töö käigus viis autor läbi turuuuringu,
valis 3D-printeri, millele lisaseadet projekteerima hakatakse, püstitas nõuded
projekteeritavale lisaseadmele, modifitseeris vabavaralist tarkvara ja projekteeris
lisaseadme mehaanilise osa.
The purpose of this thesis is to design a remote control accessory for removing the 3Dprinted objects from the 3D-printers build plate. The need for an accessory came from the author's personal experiences. When the printing of 3D-object is completed, the 3Dprinter operator must interfere and remove the object from the build plate manually. The most important components of the designed auxiliary device are a computer, 3D-printable brackets, an electric motor and a polyvinyl chloride conveyor belt. During the work, the author carried out a market survey, chose a 3D-printer to which the auxiliary device will be designed, set up the requirements for the projected accessory, modified the freeware software, and engineered the mechanical parts of the auxiliary device.
The purpose of this thesis is to design a remote control accessory for removing the 3Dprinted objects from the 3D-printers build plate. The need for an accessory came from the author's personal experiences. When the printing of 3D-object is completed, the 3Dprinter operator must interfere and remove the object from the build plate manually. The most important components of the designed auxiliary device are a computer, 3D-printable brackets, an electric motor and a polyvinyl chloride conveyor belt. During the work, the author carried out a market survey, chose a 3D-printer to which the auxiliary device will be designed, set up the requirements for the projected accessory, modified the freeware software, and engineered the mechanical parts of the auxiliary device.
Rakenduskõrgharidusõppe lõputöö
Tehnotroonika õppekaval
lõputööd, kolmemõõtmeline printimine, tarkvara