Factors influencing adoption of improved potato (Belete) variety: evidence from Ethiopian smallholder farmers
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Köite pealkiri
Estonian Academic Agricultural Society
Improving the adoption of improved crop varieties is very important to increase income, reduce hunger, sustain food security, and to reduce poverty in sub-Saharan Africa like Ethiopia. Similarly, Belete potato variety is one of the improved varieties that have been utilized by Ethiopian farmers, but this variety was not conjointly adopted in all parts of the country. Thus, this research was intended to analyze factors influencing rural farmers' decision for the adoption of improved potato varieties in Southern Ethiopia. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from primary and secondary sources. To select the sample respondents, two-stage sampling techniques were employed and finally, 146 households' heads were selected. To get the data survey questionnai-res, interview schedules, Focused Group Discussions, observations and key informant interviews were employed. To analyze the data, both descriptive statistics and econometric model were employed. Accordingly, the econometric model indicated that family labour, access to fertilizer, access to credit service, frequency of extension contacts, participation in training and field day, and educational level were positively and significantly influenced the adoption of Belete potato adoption, however, the market distance was influenced negatively. Therefore, this result implies that researchers, policymakers, extension service providers and other concerned bodies should be given attention to increasing the adoption of improved Belete potato variety.
Saabunud / Received 15.08.2019 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 11.12.2019 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 25.12.2019 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Guta Regasa e-mail: jiineguta2014@gmail.com
factors, adoption, belete potato variety, logistic regression model, Ethiopia, articles