Nõukogude Liidu perioodil ehitatud tüüpkorterelamute renoveerimine ja selle mõju korterite väärtusele – tehinguandmete analüüs erinevates piirkondades
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Pillesson, Argo
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Eesti Maaülikool
Eesti elamufondist moodustavad suure osa Nõukogude Liidu perioodil tüüpprojektide järgi
ehitatud korterelamud, mis tänaseks on mitmetel puhkudel nii füüsiliselt kui moraalselt
vananenud. Uuendamiseks vajalikud investeeringud on möödapääsmatud. Korterelamute
renoveerimistööd on valdavalt suunatud hoonete energiatarbimise vähendamisele ning
sellest saadavale otseste kulude kokkuhoiule. Energiatarbimise vähendamisest saadava
otseste kulude kokkuhoiu juures on veel mitmeid positiivseid aspekte, mida on võimalik
renoveerimistööde tulemusena saada – üheks neist peetakse kinnisvara väärtuse tõusu.
Töö eesmärk on anda Maa-ameti tehingute statistika andmebaasile tuginedes hinnang,
kuidas mõjutab elamu renoveerimine korterite väärtust. Töös võrreldakse Tallinnas
paikneva Mustamäe asumi, Pärnu linna Rääma ja Ülejõe asumite ning Maardu linna
renoveeritud ja renoveerimata elamutes paiknevate korterite hindasid ning analüüsitakse
leitud seoseid.
Analüüsist selgus, et korterelamu renoveerimine avaldab korterite turuväärtusele pigem
positiivset mõju. Maardu linnas on terviklikult renoveeritud elamutes paiknevate korterite
hinnad keskmiselt 4% kõrgemad ning Pärnu linna uuritud piirkonnas keskmiselt 5%
kõrgemad kui renoveerimata elamutes. Mustamäe asumis aga olulist erinevust ei ilmnenud,
mida saab põhjendada piirkonnas olevate korterelamute üldise hea seisukorra ning
piirkonna atraktiivsusega kinnisvaraturul. Teostatud analüüsi põhjal on korterelamu
terviklikust renoveerimisest saadav väärtuse kasv seotud piirkonna üldise kinnisvara
hinnatasemega. Suhtarvult on korterite hinnaerinevus erinevates seisukordades elamutes
suurem piirkondades, kus kinnisvara hinnad on keskmisest madalamad ning kontrast
elamute seisukordade vahel suurem ja vastupidi.
Estonian housing stock mainly comprises apartment buildings constructed according to standard projects during the Soviet period, which are by now in many cases physically and morally deprecated. Investments for renovation are badly needed. The renovation of the apartment building has several positive aspects – one of which is the increase of the value of the real estate. The aim of the paper is to assess based on the statistic of the transaction issued by the Land Board how the renovation influences the prices of apartments. The paper compares Mustamäe urban region in Tallinn, Rääma and Ülejõe urban regions in Pärnu and the prices of apartments in renovated and non-renovated apartment of Maardu and analyses the established relationships. The analysis shows that the renovation of the apartment building rather has a positive impact on the price of the apartment building. In Maardu the apartments in completely renovated apartment buildings cost 4% more on average and in the regions of Pärnu studied the prices are 5% higher than in non-renovated buildings. In the urban area of Mustamäe no significant differences are observed that could be explained by the good condition of the buildings in the area and the attractiveness of the area at the real estate market. Based on the analysis it may be stated that the increase of the value received from the complete renovation is related to the general price level of the real estate in the area. According to the ratio of price difference of apartments is bigger in regions where apartments are in different conditions than in the area where the prices of real estate are lower than average and the contract between the conditions of residential buildings is bigger and vice versa.
Estonian housing stock mainly comprises apartment buildings constructed according to standard projects during the Soviet period, which are by now in many cases physically and morally deprecated. Investments for renovation are badly needed. The renovation of the apartment building has several positive aspects – one of which is the increase of the value of the real estate. The aim of the paper is to assess based on the statistic of the transaction issued by the Land Board how the renovation influences the prices of apartments. The paper compares Mustamäe urban region in Tallinn, Rääma and Ülejõe urban regions in Pärnu and the prices of apartments in renovated and non-renovated apartment of Maardu and analyses the established relationships. The analysis shows that the renovation of the apartment building rather has a positive impact on the price of the apartment building. In Maardu the apartments in completely renovated apartment buildings cost 4% more on average and in the regions of Pärnu studied the prices are 5% higher than in non-renovated buildings. In the urban area of Mustamäe no significant differences are observed that could be explained by the good condition of the buildings in the area and the attractiveness of the area at the real estate market. Based on the analysis it may be stated that the increase of the value received from the complete renovation is related to the general price level of the real estate in the area. According to the ratio of price difference of apartments is bigger in regions where apartments are in different conditions than in the area where the prices of real estate are lower than average and the contract between the conditions of residential buildings is bigger and vice versa.
Maakorralduse ja kinnisvara planeerimise õppekaval
magistritööd, korterelamud, renoveerimine, KredEx, turuväärtus