Optimeeritud klapisüsteemi projekt pneumaatilise ajamiga mootorile projekti "Pneumobiil 2018" raames
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Türk, Kristjan
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MTÜ Tehnikaüliõpialste Seltsi projekti „Pneumobiil 2018“ projekteeritava
suruõhusõiduki Technics 4 mootori efektiivsuse ning jõudluse tõstmist piiravateks
teguriteks on madal maksimaalne vooluhulk läbi klapi ning suur rõhulang antud
vooluhulga juures. Võistluse Aventics Pneumobil Competition reeglitest tulenevalt ei ole
võimalik kasutada paremaid pneumaatilisi klappe kui tootja Aventics toodetud CD12
klapid. Järgnevad klappide seeriad on nii oma massilt raskemad kui ka mõõtudelt kordades
suuremad. Samuti toodetakse nii suuri klappe vaid konfiguratsioonis 3/2. Töö eesmärk on
projekteerida ning konstrueerida parendatud omadustega 2x2/2 klapisüsteem. Töö käigus
analüüsiti CFD meetodiga CD12 klappi, projekteeriti 2 prototüüp klappi, teostati
analüüsid ja simulatsioonid, toodeti valmis prototüübid. Selgus, et projekteeritud
prototüübid olid ligilähedaselt 2,4 korda suurema läbilaskevõimega, kusjuures klapi CD12
ekivalentsel vooluhulgal oli rõhulang klapiväljundis 3 korda väiksem ning lõplik
prototüüp kaalus 2 korda vähem kui tootja Aventics klapp CD12. Klapi edasise arenduse
käigus on otstarbekas integreerida klappi juhtsolenoidid ning teostada praktilisi katseid.
The limiting factors for increasing the efficiency and performance of the Technics 4 engine designed for the MTÜ Tehnikaüliõpilaste Selts’s project "Pneumobiil 2018" are the low maximum flow through the valve and the high pressure drop across the crossection. Due to the rules of the Aventics Pneumobil Competition, it is not possible to use better pneumatic valves than the CD12 produced by Aventics. The next series valves are both heavier in weight and larger. Larger valves are only produced in a configuration of 3/2. The aim of the work is to design and construct an 2x2/2 valve system with improved features. As a result, CFD analysis was performed on the CD12 valve, 2 prototypes were designed, analyzes and simulations were carried out, prototypes were manufactured. It turned out that the designed prototypes have higher efficientcy. With the equivalent flow rate at the maximum flowrate of CD12 valve, the pressure drop at the valve output was 3 times smaller, and the final prototype was 2 times lighter than the Aventics CD12 valve. In the course of the further development of the valve, integrated pilot valves should be fitted.
The limiting factors for increasing the efficiency and performance of the Technics 4 engine designed for the MTÜ Tehnikaüliõpilaste Selts’s project "Pneumobiil 2018" are the low maximum flow through the valve and the high pressure drop across the crossection. Due to the rules of the Aventics Pneumobil Competition, it is not possible to use better pneumatic valves than the CD12 produced by Aventics. The next series valves are both heavier in weight and larger. Larger valves are only produced in a configuration of 3/2. The aim of the work is to design and construct an 2x2/2 valve system with improved features. As a result, CFD analysis was performed on the CD12 valve, 2 prototypes were designed, analyzes and simulations were carried out, prototypes were manufactured. It turned out that the designed prototypes have higher efficientcy. With the equivalent flow rate at the maximum flowrate of CD12 valve, the pressure drop at the valve output was 3 times smaller, and the final prototype was 2 times lighter than the Aventics CD12 valve. In the course of the further development of the valve, integrated pilot valves should be fitted.
Tootmistehnika õppekaval
magistritööd, pneumaatika, pneumotransport