Lamba- ja kitsepiimast valmistatud traditsiooniliste hapupiimajookide tehnoloogia
Kättesaadav alates
Kask, Jane
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Eesti Maaülikool
Kitse- ja lambapiimast valmistatud hapupiimatooteid on tarbitud aastasadu, samas on nende tarbimine viimastel aastakümnetel erinevatel põhjustel vähenenud. Sellega tulenevalt on vähenenud ka traditsiooniliste hapupiimatoodete tarbimine või on need tooted arenenud ümber peamiselt lehmapiimaga valmistatavateks toodeteks.
Töö eesmärk on anda ülevaade osakesest Aasia, Aafrika ja Euroopa aladelt pärit traditsioonilistest hapupiimajookidest, mille valmistamiseks kasutatakse kitse- ja lambapiima. Lisa eesmärkideks on seatud hapupiimatoodetes taimsete ekstraktide ja lisandite kasutamise võimalusi ning nende mõhu valmistootele. Soovitakse luua ka valmistamise tehnoloogilised skeemid koos valmistamise kirjeldusega, et võimaldada nende toodete valmistamist Eestist kitse- ja lambapiima väärindamiseks. Peamiselt saab neid tooteid jagada kolme kategooriasse: kontsentreeritud tooted, lahjendatud tooted ja lisatöötluseta tooted, mis tuleneb nende toodete tehnoloogiatest. Lisaks võidakse nendes toodetes peale piima ja juuretiskultuuri kasutada ka taimseid ekstrakte ja lisandeid, mis pikendavad toodete säilivust, annavad parema maitse ning muudavad toote inimestele ahvatlevamaks.
Sour milk products made from goat and sheep milk have been consumed for centuries, but their consumption has decreased in recent decades for various reasons. As a result, the consumption of traditional sour milk products has also decreased or these products have evolved into products made mainly with cow's milk. The aim of this thesis is to provide an overview of traditional fermented drinks from Asia, Africa and Europe, which are made using goat and sheep milk. The objectives of the appendix are the possibilities of using plant extracts and additives in fermented milk products and their impact on the finished product. It is also desired to create production technological schemes with a description of the production to enable the production of these products in Estonia for the enrichment of goat's and sheep's milk. Mainly, these products can be divided into three categories, concentrated products, diluted products and unprocessed products, which results from the technologies of these products. In addition, in addition to milk and fermentation culture, plant extracts and additives may be used in these products, which extend the shelf life of the products, give better taste and make the product more attractive to people.
Sour milk products made from goat and sheep milk have been consumed for centuries, but their consumption has decreased in recent decades for various reasons. As a result, the consumption of traditional sour milk products has also decreased or these products have evolved into products made mainly with cow's milk. The aim of this thesis is to provide an overview of traditional fermented drinks from Asia, Africa and Europe, which are made using goat and sheep milk. The objectives of the appendix are the possibilities of using plant extracts and additives in fermented milk products and their impact on the finished product. It is also desired to create production technological schemes with a description of the production to enable the production of these products in Estonia for the enrichment of goat's and sheep's milk. Mainly, these products can be divided into three categories, concentrated products, diluted products and unprocessed products, which results from the technologies of these products. In addition, in addition to milk and fermentation culture, plant extracts and additives may be used in these products, which extend the shelf life of the products, give better taste and make the product more attractive to people.
Toiduainete tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, piim, hapendamine, hapupiimatooted