Ehituse projektijuhtimiskultuuri analüüs Eesti ühiskonnas
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Eesti Maaülikool
Eesti ehitus- ja projektijuhtimise kultuur vajavad uurimist ja kaardistamist, et loomulikud
ehitusprotsessid oleksid veelgi kvaliteetsemate, ohutumate ja keskkonnasõbralikemate
tulemustega. Lisaks ootuspärastele ehitustegevuse tulemitele peab kogu ehituse protsess
olema seadusega kooskõlas ja tagatud peaks olema osalevate sidususrühmade rahulolu
projekti elluviimisest.
Töö eesmärgiks on iseloomustada ehituse projektimeeskondi ja hinnata projektijuhtimise
kultuuri olulisi aspekte. Uuring teostati küsitluse teel, kus vastuseid oodati nii
faktiküsimustele kui ka Likerti skaalal hinnatavatele väidetele. Valimi hulka kuulusid
suuremad Eesti ehitus- ja projektijuhtimisega tegelevad ehitusettevõtted.
Uuringu tulemusena oli võimalik luua kõige tüüpilisema projektimeeskonna liikme profiil.
Lisaks uuriti projektijuhtimisega seotud olulisi nüansse: projektdokumentatsiooni kvaliteeti
ja olemasolu, tellija, omanikujärelevalve ja peatöövõtja omavahelist suhestust, peatöövõtja
ja alltöövõtja suhestust ning teisi olulisi indikaatoreid.
Eelnevad samateemalised uurimistööd antud valdkonnas puuduvad. Käesolevat
magistritööd saab täiendada veelgi rohkemate ja põhjalikemate küsimustega, lisaks tuleks
uus küsitlus läbi viia suurema vastajate sihtrühma hulgas ja ka teiste ehitusprotsessis
osalevate sidususrühmade vaatevinklist lähtudes.
The Estonian construction and project management culture needs to be explored more deeply to map the current situation. The initiative is to make the natural processes of construction enhanced, safer and more environmentally friendly. In addition to the expected construction results, the entire construction process must be in accordance with the law and the participating stakeholder groups should be satisfied with the implementation of the project. The aim of the work is to characterize construction project teams and evaluate the essential aspects of the project management culture. The survey was conducted by the questionnaire where responses were expected for both, factual questions and for assessments evaluations by the Likert scale. The sample included larger construction companies in charge of construction and project management in Estonia. The results of the survey allowed to create the profile of the most representative project team member and, based on the results, assessed the important nuances of project management: the quality and availability of project documentation, the relationship between the customer, the supervision and the main contractor, the relationship between the main contractor and the subcontractor, and the other relevant indicators. Previous researches in the field of construction project management culture in the context of Estonian case is rather limited. Therefore, this Master’s thesis is an important contribution to the study of this field. Moreover, this Master’s thesis could be developed even further by complementing with more extensive questions and with a new questionnaire among bigger community.
The Estonian construction and project management culture needs to be explored more deeply to map the current situation. The initiative is to make the natural processes of construction enhanced, safer and more environmentally friendly. In addition to the expected construction results, the entire construction process must be in accordance with the law and the participating stakeholder groups should be satisfied with the implementation of the project. The aim of the work is to characterize construction project teams and evaluate the essential aspects of the project management culture. The survey was conducted by the questionnaire where responses were expected for both, factual questions and for assessments evaluations by the Likert scale. The sample included larger construction companies in charge of construction and project management in Estonia. The results of the survey allowed to create the profile of the most representative project team member and, based on the results, assessed the important nuances of project management: the quality and availability of project documentation, the relationship between the customer, the supervision and the main contractor, the relationship between the main contractor and the subcontractor, and the other relevant indicators. Previous researches in the field of construction project management culture in the context of Estonian case is rather limited. Therefore, this Master’s thesis is an important contribution to the study of this field. Moreover, this Master’s thesis could be developed even further by complementing with more extensive questions and with a new questionnaire among bigger community.
Ehitusinseneriõppe lõputöö
Maaehituse õppekaval
magistritööd, projektijuhtimine, projektimeeskond, ehituskultuur