4,95 MW päikeseelektrijaama projekteerimine
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Eesti Maaülikool
Magistritöös koostati 4,95 MW väljundvõimsusega päikeseelektrijaama projekt Paldiski linnas asuvale Posti kinnistule. Päikeseelektrijaama projekteerimisel võeti aluseks Tellija lähteülesanne, Elektrilevi OÜ tehnilised tingimused nr 403331 ja Eesti Vabariigis kehtivatest elektri projektiga seotud õigusaktidest, standarditest ja normidest. Töö raames tutvustati ka Euroopa Liidu seatud taastuvenergia eesmärke ja Eesti jaotus- ja põhivõrgu ettevõtete arengukavasid. Kirjeldati projekteeritavat päikeseelektrijaama, selle komponente ja rajatavaid süsteeme. Põhjendati kasutatavaid tehnoloogiaid ja tehti vajalikud arvutused päikeseelektrijaama seadmete valikuks ja ohutuks kasutamiseks. Esitati teostatud skeemid ja tutvustati koostatud skeemide rolli päikeseelektrijaama rajamisel.
The master thesis was a project of a solar power plant with an output of 4.95 MW for the Posti property in the city of Paldiski. The design of the solar power plant was based on the customer's initial specification, the technical conditions of Elektrilevi OÜ No. 403331 and the legislation, standards and norms in force in the Republic of Estonia related to electricity projects. The work also included an introduction to the renewable energy targets set by the European Union and the development plans of the Estonian distribution and transmission grid companies. It described the planned solar power plant, its components and the systems to be installed. The technologies to be used were justified and the necessary calculations for the selection and safe operation of the solar power plant equipment were carried out. The diagrams carried out were presented and the role of the diagrams in the construction of the solar power plant was explained.
The master thesis was a project of a solar power plant with an output of 4.95 MW for the Posti property in the city of Paldiski. The design of the solar power plant was based on the customer's initial specification, the technical conditions of Elektrilevi OÜ No. 403331 and the legislation, standards and norms in force in the Republic of Estonia related to electricity projects. The work also included an introduction to the renewable energy targets set by the European Union and the development plans of the Estonian distribution and transmission grid companies. It described the planned solar power plant, its components and the systems to be installed. The technologies to be used were justified and the necessary calculations for the selection and safe operation of the solar power plant equipment were carried out. The diagrams carried out were presented and the role of the diagrams in the construction of the solar power plant was explained.
Energiakasutuse õppekaval
magistritööd, taastuvenergia, projekteerimine, päikesepaneel, energia tootmine, vaheldi, Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid), keskkonnatehnika, keskkonnasõbralikud tooted