Kalja valmistamisel käärimis-hapendamisprotsesside parameetrite jälgimine
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Taimalu, Sven Sören
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Eesti Maaülikool
Kali on enamasti pärmi toimel kääritatud jook, kuid varasemalt kasutati protsessis ka
piimhappebaktereid (LAB). Käesoleva töö esmärk on selgitada välja, kuidas
piimhappebakterid mõjutavad nii üksi kui ka koos pärmiga kaljavirde käärimist 16 tunni
käärimise jooksul. Töös tehti selgeks üldine kalja tootmistehnoloogia ning võimalused
tootmiseks. Vaadeldi teiste autorite tulemusi seoses kalja või pärmide/piimhappebakterite
uurimisega. Valiti LAB-kultuurid: Nordwise Lactobacillus plantarum TAK69, Wildbrew
Sour Pitch L. plantarum, Wildbrew Helveticus Pitch L. helveticus. Töös leiti, et
happeliseim oli Sour Pitch, järgnes Helveticus Pitch ning viimaseks Nordwise. Koos
pärmiga käärimisel oli suurim happesus (g/L sidrunhapet) enamasti 80/20 vahekorras
LAB-pärm käärimisega ning enim sidrunhapet leidus Sour Pitchiga (2,84 g/L), veidi
vähem Helveticus Pitch-iga (2,24 g/L) ning Nordwise puhul oli suurim happesus 50/50
puhul, 80/20 happesus sel puhul 1,45 g/L. 50/50 vahekorraga oli madalaim suhkrusisaldus,
kuid võrreldes 80/20 vahekorraga Sour Pitch ja Helveticus Pitch puhul veidi kõrgem pH
ja madalam sidrunhappe sisaldus: Sour Pitch 2,58 g/L; Helveticus Pitch 2,09 g/L;
Nordwise 1,62 g/L. 100% LAB-iga käärimisel suhkrusisalduse näitaja ei langenud, pH oli
kõrgeim ja sidrunhappe sisaldus madalaim, välja arvatud Sour Pitchiga, kus pH oli madalaim (3,57), kuid sidrunhappe sisaldus samuti madalaim (2,34 g/L). Poekalja pH-ga
(3,45) võrreldes oli saadud kaljade pH kõrgem ning sidrunhappe sisaldus (poekaljal 1,15
g/L) samuti kõrgem. Tulemustest leidus, et kalja füüsikalis-keemilised näitajad olenevad
enim kasutatavast LAB-kultuurist, väiksemal määral LAB-pärm vahekorrast juhul kui
kasutati nii pärmi kui LAB-i. Ainult LAB-i kasutades oli käärimise kiirus väga aeglane
ning näitajad muutusid väiksemal määral, välja arvatud Sour Pitch. Edasised uuringud ja
katsed piimhappebakteritega võimaldaksid leida optimaalsed LAB-kultuurid ning
meetodid hapendatud kalja tootmiseks.
Kvass is a drink usually fermented with yeast but in the past lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have also been used. The purpose of this research is to monitor how LAB affect the fermentation process of kvass with or without the presence of yeast during 16 hours of fermentation. Technology and methods for kvass production were studied, along with prior research of kvass production and use of yeasts/LAB from authors. Three LABcultures were chosen: Nordwise Lactobacillus plantarum TAK69, Wildbrew Sour Pitch L. plantarum and Wildbrew Helveticus Pitch L. helveticus. In the study, Sour Pitch made for the most acidic kvass, followed by Helveticus Pitch and Nordwise was the least acidic. With the addition of yeast in fermentation, the greatest acidity (g/L citric acid) was found mostly with 80/20 proportion of LAB/yeast and the most citric acid was found with Sour Pitch (2,84 g/L), followed by Helveticus Pitch (2,24 g/L), for Nordwise, 50/50 had the highest acidity, 80/20 citric acid value was 1,45 g/L. The 50/50 proportion had the lowest sugar content but compared to 80/20, in the case of Sour Pitch and Helveticus Pitch, the pH was higher and acidity lower: Sour Pitch 2,58 g/L; Helveticus Pitch 2,09 g/L; Nordwise 1,62 g/L. In the case of 100% LAB fermentation, sugar content did not decrease, pH was the highest and acidity the lowest, except for Sour Pitch, which had the lowest pH (3,57) but also the lowest citric acid content (2,34 g/L). Compared to the pH of commercial kvass (3,45), kvass made in this research hag higher pH and also higher citric acid content (for commercial kvass 1,15 g/L). The results show, that physical-chemical indicators of kvass are most affected by the choice of LAB-cultures, less so by LAB-yeast proportions if yeast is used. When using only LAB, the speed of fermentation was slow and the indicators varied less, except for Sour Pitch. Further research and experiments with lactic acid bacteria could yield optimal LAB-cultures to use in production of acidified kvass.
Kvass is a drink usually fermented with yeast but in the past lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have also been used. The purpose of this research is to monitor how LAB affect the fermentation process of kvass with or without the presence of yeast during 16 hours of fermentation. Technology and methods for kvass production were studied, along with prior research of kvass production and use of yeasts/LAB from authors. Three LABcultures were chosen: Nordwise Lactobacillus plantarum TAK69, Wildbrew Sour Pitch L. plantarum and Wildbrew Helveticus Pitch L. helveticus. In the study, Sour Pitch made for the most acidic kvass, followed by Helveticus Pitch and Nordwise was the least acidic. With the addition of yeast in fermentation, the greatest acidity (g/L citric acid) was found mostly with 80/20 proportion of LAB/yeast and the most citric acid was found with Sour Pitch (2,84 g/L), followed by Helveticus Pitch (2,24 g/L), for Nordwise, 50/50 had the highest acidity, 80/20 citric acid value was 1,45 g/L. The 50/50 proportion had the lowest sugar content but compared to 80/20, in the case of Sour Pitch and Helveticus Pitch, the pH was higher and acidity lower: Sour Pitch 2,58 g/L; Helveticus Pitch 2,09 g/L; Nordwise 1,62 g/L. In the case of 100% LAB fermentation, sugar content did not decrease, pH was the highest and acidity the lowest, except for Sour Pitch, which had the lowest pH (3,57) but also the lowest citric acid content (2,34 g/L). Compared to the pH of commercial kvass (3,45), kvass made in this research hag higher pH and also higher citric acid content (for commercial kvass 1,15 g/L). The results show, that physical-chemical indicators of kvass are most affected by the choice of LAB-cultures, less so by LAB-yeast proportions if yeast is used. When using only LAB, the speed of fermentation was slow and the indicators varied less, except for Sour Pitch. Further research and experiments with lactic acid bacteria could yield optimal LAB-cultures to use in production of acidified kvass.
Toiduainete tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, piimhappebakterid, pärm, Brix, sidrunhape, käärimine, kali