Evaluating the effects of application modes and soil types on the herbicide efficacy and crop yield of pendimethalin and clomazone on transplanted pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
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Ajakirja pealkiri
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Köite pealkiri
Field experiment was carried out in 2014 and 2015 in two locations Kochani and
Drachevo in Republic of Macedonia to evaluate the efficacy and crop safety of pendimethalin
and clomazone on transplanted pepper according to mode of application, (pretransplant -PRE-T
and pretransplant incorporated -PTI) and soil types (alluvial soil and vertisol). The weed
population in both years and locations mainly consisted annual spring and summer grasses and
broadleaf weeds. Weed competition significantly reduced pepper yield. There was no recorded
difference between the efficacy of pendimethalin PRE-T and pendimethalin PTI. However, the
efficacy of clomazone PTI was higher than that of clomazone PRE-T in both experimental years
and locations, indicating incorporation into soil if critical for clamazone. Both pendimethalin and
clomazone had low efficacy on Solanum nigrum L. Pepper plants were not visibly injured by any
herbicides treatments. In summary, locations and soil types did not affect herbicide efficacy and
pepper selectivity. Pepper yield was markedly affected by herbicide efficacy in both years and
pepper, weeds, herbicides, pretransplant, pretransplant incorporated, soil type, effectiveness, injury, articles