133 seeria kortermajade rekonstrueerimine tehaseliste täislahendusega betoonelementidega
Kättesaadav alates
Suletud / Closed, Korraldus nr. 6-1.MI/166
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Eesti Maaülikool
Eesti eluasemefondi terviklik rekonstrueerimine on Ettevõtluse ja Innovatsiooni SA
(KredEx) toetusel hoo sisse saanud. Vastavalt Eesti energia- ja kliimapoliitika alustele
aastani 2050 on pikaajalise strateegia peamine eesmärk enne 2000 aastat ehitatud
hoonete terviklik rekonstrueerimine, sealhulgas ligikaudu 14 000 kortermaja.
Rekonstrueerimise maht järgnevaks 26 aastaks on arhitektidele, inseneridele ja
ehitajatele väljakutset pakkuv.
Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks on uute ehitustehniliste ja konstruktiivsete
lahenduste väljatöötamine koostöös TMB Element OÜ-ga, mis lühendaks
rekonstrueerimistööde teostamise aega, kasutades tehases valmistatud täislahendusega
betoonist koorikelemente. Nendes sisalduvad soojustus, avatäited ja lokaalne
ventilatsioon ning ajas kauakestev erinevate viimistlusvõimalustega fassaad.
Lahendamiseks valiti Tartu EEK 133 seeria kortermajad. Analüüsiti kortermajade
kandekonstruktsioone, teostati hoone ja kinnitusdetailide kandevõime arvutusi.
Töö tulemusena töötati välja kahekihilised seinaelemendid, kinnitusdetailide
tehnilised lahendused ning koostati töö – ja tootejoonised. Nende põhjal toodeti
kinnitusdetailide prototüübid edasiseks arendustööks ja optimeerimiseks. Betoon on
viimistlusmaterjalina üldjuhul hooldusvaba ja sobilik ka 9– korruselistele
The comprehensive reconstruction of the Estonian housing fund has gained momentum with the support of Enterprise and Innovation SA (KredEx). According to the foundations of Estonian energy and climate policy until 2050, the goal of the current strategy is the complete reconstruction of buildings built before 2000 years, including 14,000 apartment buildings. The scale of reconstruction for the next 26 years will challenge architects, engineers and builders. The aim of this master's thesis is the development of new construction technical and constructive solutions in cooperation with TMB Element OÜ, which would shorten the time of performing reconstruction works, using factory-made concrete shell elements with a complete solution. They include insulation, opening fillings and local ventilation, as well as a long-lasting facade with various finishing options. Tartu EEK 133 series apartment buildings were chosen for the solution. The loadbearing structures of apartment buildings were analyzed, the load-bearing capacity calculations of the building and fasteners were carried out. Two-layer wall elements, technical solutions for fasteners were developed, and work and product drawings were prepared. Based on these, prototypes of product fasteners for further development and optimization. Concrete used as a finishing material is maintenance-free and also suitable for 9-story apartment buildings.
The comprehensive reconstruction of the Estonian housing fund has gained momentum with the support of Enterprise and Innovation SA (KredEx). According to the foundations of Estonian energy and climate policy until 2050, the goal of the current strategy is the complete reconstruction of buildings built before 2000 years, including 14,000 apartment buildings. The scale of reconstruction for the next 26 years will challenge architects, engineers and builders. The aim of this master's thesis is the development of new construction technical and constructive solutions in cooperation with TMB Element OÜ, which would shorten the time of performing reconstruction works, using factory-made concrete shell elements with a complete solution. They include insulation, opening fillings and local ventilation, as well as a long-lasting facade with various finishing options. Tartu EEK 133 series apartment buildings were chosen for the solution. The loadbearing structures of apartment buildings were analyzed, the load-bearing capacity calculations of the building and fasteners were carried out. Two-layer wall elements, technical solutions for fasteners were developed, and work and product drawings were prepared. Based on these, prototypes of product fasteners for further development and optimization. Concrete used as a finishing material is maintenance-free and also suitable for 9-story apartment buildings.
Ehitusinseneriõppe lõputöö
Maaehituse õppekaval
magistritööd, paneelmaja, betoonkonstruktsioonid, koorikbetoon, lokaalne ventilatsioon