Ülekaalulisuse, hobuste metaboolse sündroomi ja endokrinopaatilise laminiidi esinemine Eesti tõugu hobustel
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Varter, Monika
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Eesti Maaülikool
Houste ülekaalulisuse ja rasvumisega võib seostada mitmeid kliinilisi haigusi, kuid kõige
tõsisemaks peetakse insuliini düsregulatsiooni ja sellega seotud hobuste metaboolse
sündroomi ja endokrinopaatilise laminiidi suurenenud riski. Hobuste metaboolne sündroom
on defineeritud kui insuliini düsregulatsiooni sündroom, milles on väljendunud kas
hüperinsulineemia või insuliiniresistentsus. Endokrinopaatilise laminiidi peamiseks
riskiteguriks on hobuste metaboolne sündroom.
Käesoleva uurimistöö eesmärgiks oli kaardistada valitud tallides Eesti tõugu hobuste
ülekaalu, metaboolse sündroomi ja endokrinopaatilise laminiidi esinemist ning uurida
hobuseomanike teadmisi uurimistöös käsitletavate haiguste kohta.
Uurimismeetodiks oli andmete kogumine läbi omanikele mõeldud küsimustiku ja hobuste
visuaalne vaatlus autori poolt. Autor vaatles hobuseid vahemikus 01.02.2023-01.08.2023
kaheteistkümnes Eesti tallis ning hindas kehakonditsiooni indeksit Henneke’i skaala ja
kaelaharja rasvakogumike suurust cresty neck score’i järgi.
Kokku vaadeldi valitud tallides 138 Eesti hobust, kes moodustavad umbes 6,3% kõikidest
Eesti tõugu hobustest.
Autorile teadaolevalt ei ole varasemalt Eesti hobuste kohta ühtegi uuringut tehtud. Uuringu
tulemused näitavad, et 88,4% (122/138) Eesti hobustest on ülekaalulised või rasvunud (KKI
>6) ja 28% (38/138) hobustest oli väljendunud rasvunud kaelahari (CNS ³3).
Hobuseomanike teadlikkus ülekaalust ja hobuste metaboolsest sündroomist on pigem madal,
mistõttu nende harimine nendel teemadel on oluline. Hobuste metaboolset sündroomi tuleb
Eesti tõugu hobustel edasi uurida.
Obesity and excess overweight in horses can be associated with several clinical conditions, out of which the most serious are considered to be the increased risk of insulin dysregulation and related equine metabolic syndrome and endocrinopathic laminitis. Equine metabolic syndrome is defined as insulin dysregulation characterized by either hyperinsulinemia or insulin resistance. The primary risk factor for endocrinopathic laminitis is equine metabolic syndrome. The aim of this study was to map the occurrence of overweight, metabolic syndrome, and endocrinopathic laminitis in selected Estonian horses and to investigate horse owners' knowledge about the diseases addressed in the study. The research method involved collecting data through a questionnaire designed for horse owners and visual observation of horses by the author. The author observed horses in twelve Estonian stables between February 1, 2023, and August 1, 2023, and assessed body condition score using the Henneke scale and the size of neck crest fat deposits using the cresty neck score. In total, 138 Estonian horses were observed in selected stables, constituting approximately 6.3% of all Estonian breed horses. To the author's knowledge, no previous studies have been conducted on Estonian horses. The results of the study show that 88.4% (122/138) of Estonian horses are overweight or obese (BCS >6), and 28% (38/138) of the horses had pronounced obesity of the neck crest (CNS ³3). Horse owners' awareness of overweight and metabolic syndrome in horses is rather low, making education on these topics important. Metabolic syndrome in Estonian breed horses needs to be further researched.
Obesity and excess overweight in horses can be associated with several clinical conditions, out of which the most serious are considered to be the increased risk of insulin dysregulation and related equine metabolic syndrome and endocrinopathic laminitis. Equine metabolic syndrome is defined as insulin dysregulation characterized by either hyperinsulinemia or insulin resistance. The primary risk factor for endocrinopathic laminitis is equine metabolic syndrome. The aim of this study was to map the occurrence of overweight, metabolic syndrome, and endocrinopathic laminitis in selected Estonian horses and to investigate horse owners' knowledge about the diseases addressed in the study. The research method involved collecting data through a questionnaire designed for horse owners and visual observation of horses by the author. The author observed horses in twelve Estonian stables between February 1, 2023, and August 1, 2023, and assessed body condition score using the Henneke scale and the size of neck crest fat deposits using the cresty neck score. In total, 138 Estonian horses were observed in selected stables, constituting approximately 6.3% of all Estonian breed horses. To the author's knowledge, no previous studies have been conducted on Estonian horses. The results of the study show that 88.4% (122/138) of Estonian horses are overweight or obese (BCS >6), and 28% (38/138) of the horses had pronounced obesity of the neck crest (CNS ³3). Horse owners' awareness of overweight and metabolic syndrome in horses is rather low, making education on these topics important. Metabolic syndrome in Estonian breed horses needs to be further researched.
Veterinaarmeditsiini õppekaval
magistritööd, Eesti hobune, rasvumine, insuliini düsregulatsioon, rasvane kaelahari, laminiit