Tallede sünni- ja 100 päeva kehamass enamlevinud lambatõugudel Eestis
Kättesaadav alates
Haidak, Helena-Krõõt
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Eesti Maaülikool
Eesti tõulambakasvatus on 10 aastaga oluliselt muutunud. Varasemad uuringud tallede sünnimassi ja 100 päeva massi kohta Eestis on toimunud üle 10 aasta tagasi, mistõttu on vajadus uute teadmiste järele. Bakalaureusetöö eesmärk oli uurida Eestis kasvatavate lambatõugude sünnimassi ja 100 päeva massi mõjutavaid tegureid erinevatel lambatõugudel. Andmed uurimuse läbiviimiseks saadi Eesti Lamba- ja Kitsekasvatajate Liidult ning MTÜ Eesti Tõulammaste Aretusühingult. Andmed liideti kokku üheks andmebaasiks ning analüüsiti sünni ja 100 päevamassi omavahelist seost ning tõu, pesakonna suuruse, ema vanuse, sünniaasta ja sünnikuu mõju sünnimassile ja 100 päeva massile. Selgus, et kõikide tõugude puhul on sünnimass seotud 100 päeva massiga ning ema vanus mõjutab oluliselt tallede sünnimassi. Pesakonna suurus mõjutab tallede sünnimassi ja 100 päeva massi. Sünniaasta ja sünnikuu mõju tõugudel oli erinev. Keskmised sünnimassid ja 100 päeva massid tõugude seas sarnanesid varasemate uuringu omadele.
Estonian sheep farming has changed significantly in 10 years. Previous studies on the birth weight and 100-day weight of lambs in Estonia took place more than 10 years ago, which is why there is a need for new studies. The aim of the bachelor's thesis was to study the factors influencing the birth weight and 100-day weight of sheep breeds bred in Estonia. The data for conducting the research were obtained from the Estonian Sheep and Goat Breeders' Association and the Estonian Sheep Breeding Association. The data were combined into one database. The relationship between birth and 100-day weight was analyzed, as well as the influence of breed, litter size, mother's age, year of birth and month of birth on these weights. The analysis revealed that, for all breeds the birth weight is related to the weight at 100 days. Additionally, the mother's age has a significant influence on the birth weight of the lambs. Litter size affects both birth weight and 100-day weight. The effects of the year and month of birth varied between breeds. Mean birth weights and 100-day weights among breeds were similar to those found in previous studies.
Estonian sheep farming has changed significantly in 10 years. Previous studies on the birth weight and 100-day weight of lambs in Estonia took place more than 10 years ago, which is why there is a need for new studies. The aim of the bachelor's thesis was to study the factors influencing the birth weight and 100-day weight of sheep breeds bred in Estonia. The data for conducting the research were obtained from the Estonian Sheep and Goat Breeders' Association and the Estonian Sheep Breeding Association. The data were combined into one database. The relationship between birth and 100-day weight was analyzed, as well as the influence of breed, litter size, mother's age, year of birth and month of birth on these weights. The analysis revealed that, for all breeds the birth weight is related to the weight at 100 days. Additionally, the mother's age has a significant influence on the birth weight of the lambs. Litter size affects both birth weight and 100-day weight. The effects of the year and month of birth varied between breeds. Mean birth weights and 100-day weights among breeds were similar to those found in previous studies.
Loomakasvatuse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, sünnimass, 100 päeva mass, tall, lambatõud, aretus